Tsuki Tenshi
“Sakura!” someone yelled. The tenshi-chi snapped out of it and looked up. Spike was standing in the doorway of the Bebop. He looked a little pissed. “Nani the hell are you doing out here?!?” he asked bitterly. Sakura looked a little worried. “Gominasai Spike.” she said. “I was just enjoying the breeze. I won’t do it again.” Spike quickly saw his reaction. He didn’t mean to scare her.
“Nai,” Spiked said quickly. “Gominasai. I was just worried about you.” “All right.” Sakura said. “Just be careful.” the cowboy said. “Okay.” the tenshi-chi said. Then Spike went back into the Bebop.
Nani was it? Spike yelled at Faye, Ed, Foxtrot, and Cherry with iie problem. But naze did it hurt when he yelled at Sakura? Nani was the deal? Bah! “Just forget about it!” Spike thought as he lit a cigarette. But he couldn’t. All the man could think about was Sakura. She had invaded his thoughts. Her smile, her face, everything!
Then, the tenshi-chi rushed inside. Spike looked up slowly. Oh, it’s you.” he said. Then the cowboy went back to smoking. Sakura just shrugged and walked on.
Many thoughts roamed Spike’s head. All were about Sakura. Where was she? Was she telling the truth when she said she was from heaven? Naze was she here on Mars? And who was she looking for? Naze did Katsuko warn him not to fall in love with Sakura? Nani did she mean it wasn’t worth it? Was pain involved? There was nai telling.
Then, Spike realized it had gotten quiet on the ship. He quickly looked around. “Where is everybody?” Spike thought. So he got up and started looking around.
Spike was starting down the hall when he saw a light coming from the bathroom. He also heard the shower running. Who was in there? Faye? Nai, she’s out gambling. Ed? Impossible. Foxtrot? Nope. There was only ichi way to find out.
Closer Spike approached the door. His heart was pounding. Who would he find? “Here it comes.” the cowboy thought.
A fog of steam was everywhere. Spike looked farther. In the glass walls, he saw a woman. She had pinkish strawberry her to her shoulders and two huge white tenshi wings on her back. “Sakura?” Spike thought.
The tenshi-chi really looked like a tenshi in her little glass shower. The cowboy began to believe that she really was from heaven. “Only thing she’s missing is a halo.” Spike thought. Hentai thoughts entered his mind. Even his nose was slightly bleeding.
Then, Sakura began to turn around. Spike snapped out of his lust and grew startled. Nani was he going to do? Surely, she would see him. Oh! The pain that would follow! He had to move fast! Finally, Spike ran away.
That ban, Spike lied awake in his bed. The sight that he just saw a few minutes ago wouldn’t leave his mind. “She is from heaven.” he thought. Sakura was a real tenshi-chi. But… ichi thought still plagued him. Who was she looking for? Nai bother. Spike had decided to help Sakura out with her search.