Work Ethic

How is the work ethic of T.J. and his interns? Well…

Daisuke is hopeless. How was that boy so stupid? No one can really be this dumb, right? Right? It doesn’t help that he has to go around filming everything. T.J. wants to take that camera out of his hand and throw it across the room. His filming got him in trouble more times than anyone cared to count. Where does that boy keep getting more cameras? T.J. had to keep him around to keep his business open. They really needed more employees.

Soot is such a lazy bum. He barely does anything. How is he still employed here? Oh yeah. Not enough workers. Yeah. At least Soot wasn’t stupid. He had some good sense. Even if he didn’t act like it at times. He’s just lazy and loves to cause mischief. Why does he try to get the others in trouble? Sometimes, there just isn’t anything to do around the office. T.J. was going to have to change that soon.

Bemmer is much better. That’s not saying a lot. He is lazy at times, but he does work. He’s under two internships. How is that possible? There was something with the paperwork. Plus, most of the employees had to take double shifts to make up the slack. Why not hire more workers? Well… it’s not that easy. Not many people want to work at the academy. Not the natives and not many foreigners. There were some shady ways to get more employees. But that’s another story for another time.

Anyway, Bemmer does the best he can. It’s a good this he isn’t the only sane one in the group.

Mandy is the best one out of the group. That’s not saying a lot. She has to try and keep the boys together. The keyword is try. Her success rate? Seventy percent fail and thirty percent success on a good day. On a bad day? Let’s not go there, shall we? Anyway, she does the best she can. Even that takes work. Still, T.J. can rely on Mandy to get her work done and then some.

And then there’s Amanda. Can a ghost be paid to be an intern? How about an angel? She’s there with Soot. Only she is saner than him. That’s a blessing T.J. supposed. Still, he doesn’t know what to do with her. So, he gives her small tasks to do around the office. That’s all he can do.

Yep. Not much going on T.J. But somehow he makes it work.