#1: Propaganda


Somewhere in Erie, Pennsylania...

The Millcreek Mall is having its usual weekend summer fun family events crap thing happening...

Yes, this is the actual mall in Erie, PA, right near the Eirie Civic Center where this weeks W3 Flatline card is going down!

Man: Hey honey! Kids! Look! There's Franklin the Turtle!

Woman: Oh wow! Isn't that neat kids?

Kid: Who the hell is Franklin the Turtle?

Little Girl: Ooooh! Fwankin tha Tutto!

Franklin the Turtle: Heh heh heh! HI KIDS!

Kid: Get away from me you creep!

Woman: How about getting your faces painted, kids? Wouldn't that be fun?

Little Girl: Fun!

Kid: Hell no! Can we go home so I can play on my X-Box now?

Man: You've been hooked on that thing like a crack-fiend Billy. You need to spend more time with your family.

Kid: But I don't wanna!

Man: Too bad you little punk. Hey! Look over there. They are giving out free balloons to all the kids!

Kid: Yeah, well they can take those balloons, and stick 'em up their as--

Man: Watch your mouth you little bastard!

Woman: Honey, please don't make a scene like last time we came to the mall, ok?

Man: But the little twerp doesn't know how to behave himself. Maybe if I shove my boot down his gullet he'll learn to respect his elders!

Kid: Fat chance old man! When you die, I'm gonna get all your stuff!

Man: Doh! Why you little...!

Woman: Oh honey! Billy! Look! There are some professional wrestlers signing autographs over there!

Kid: That's kinda cool. Who is it? I hope it's someone really awesome, like... "The Greek Physique" Johnny Olympus? Or maybe.... "The Icon of Souvlaki" Johnny O?

Wrestler: HEYO!

Kid: Who the hell...?

Little Girl: I'm scared mommy.

Man: Is that Ed McMahon? I didn't know he wrestled professionally... except with the bottle, if ya know what I mean. Heh heh... irish lush bastiches...

Wrestler: HEYO!

Woman: No, no...

Wrestler: HEYO!

Woman: Well, he sure is acting like a complete buffoon. Maybe it's that wrestler the kids are always laughing at on the television. You know, um... Mike Steele I think that poor wretches name is.

Wrestler: USA! USA! USA!

Kid: No, that isn't Mike Steele, that's "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan. They don't have anything in common at all. At least Hacksaw has a gimmick and a personality. Mike Steele blows.

Little Girl: Mike Stew sucks.

Kid: Malls suck!

Man: Now you listen to me you snot-nosed little weasel! I'm gonna kick your ass all the way to the orphanage and---

Suddenly, this great and awesome music starts to play, creating a buzz in the mall. Even Hacksaw stopshis "Heyo's" and "U.S.A." chants and looks. A stage is set up, and the spotlights go on. A huge curtain is drawn back as everyone GASPS in anticipation and suspense.........



The curtain goes up and Arabic music starts to play! Oh my Muhamed! It's the debut of...

Babboo's Oasis!

A group of harem girls come out and do some belly dancing while carrying the American flag. Then some hip hop music starts to play and the girls do some N'Sync type dancing or whatever.

They then hit some quasi-techno Middle Eastern acid jazz, and the girls get funky while setting the American flag on fire!

Babboo comes out dressed in a 70's style leisure suit with a great big gold chain around his neck, a Star of David encrusted with diamonds hanging it from it, as well as a Mercedes hood ornament. The stage is decorated with palm trees, a big sand dune, and a small herd of dromidary camels...

Babboo: Hello everybody and welcome to Babboo's Oasis! I am oh so very very happy to be here! And I can tell by the looks on your faces that you are oh so very happy to be seeing me too!

Stunned silence from the crowd.

Babboo: I know all you American bastiches want to get back to buying and shopping and wasting your money on meaningless material Possesions, while the rest of the world starves to death at your door step, all the while your cOuntry is hated by every single nation in the free world including Canada, while your corporations destroy the environment and steal your pension funds dry while you stupid American fools watch Backseat Boyz videos.... SO LET US GET ON WITH THE SHOW ALREADY!

Today I have with me--


Babboo: Eh?


Babboo: What in the name of Wailing Wall is that?


Babboo: Holy Babaganoush! It's the red phone everyone!

Babboo points to a red phone that has been obviously ringing and blinking a flashing red light the entire time.

Babboo: I am wondered... who can this be?

Babboo rushes over to answer the phone while a camel takes out a big hunk of hay and chews on it.

Babboo: Hello? I am saying, hello?

Voice on the phone over a mall speaker: He-- hello? Hello!?

The sound of bombs exploding and bullets ricocheting off of stuff.

Babboo: Hello? Who... who in the name of Allah is this on the red phone?

Babboo looks out at the gathering crowd and shrugs his shoulders in a moment of terrible acting. Will Shatner would be proud.

Voice: Hel-- hello? Hello? ACHMATA SHLABAGABABA! Hello!

Babboo: Hello! Who is this?

Voice: Babboo! It is I,the greatest one, the enlightened one, Allah's right hand man!

Babboo: No.. no, it cannot be!

Voice: Yes Babboo, it is I...


The crowd gasps!

Babboo: Osama Bin Laden! Is that really you!?

A big picture of Osama comes up on a wide screen behind the stage set. A sound of outrage is heard through the crowd. Women scream, babies stat to cry, and some skater kids throw curses and foul profanities at Hacksaw Jim Duggan because he's preoccupied with the shit on stage. Hacksaw looks back to see who called him a dickweed. The skater-mallrats laugh.

Osama Bin Laden: Yes Babboo, it is really I, the "Ayatollah of Rock..

Babboo: "and Rolla"?

Osama: No, the "Ayatollah of Rocks and dirt and sand". Sigh, It's a hard life you know Babboo. Being a huge world reknowned star takes its toll. I cannot go to the movies like regular people, I cannot take my dog Poochie for a walk outside.

Babboo: Because of the paparazzi oh great Osama?

Osama: No, because an American stealth fighter will drop a smart bomb right up Poochie's neutered ass, that's why.

Babboo: Tell me Osama, why have you called us here today on "Babboo's Oasis"?

Osama: For two reasons Babboo, two reasons.

Number one, numero uno, #1, I want to address one of the MOST important issues that ALL Middle Eastern and Muslim peoples face in this world today...

AND THAT IS THE WWW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!!! Mike Steele, you lousy sum-of-a-bitch! I watch you cork-sucking ass spout a bunch of camel-shit about the Muslim people and terrorist and all this garbage! But you my friend know not of what you speak! You want to be the next Dan Rather you motherless son of a goat!? Let me tell you something you sucker of elephant testicles! I was on 20-20, talking to reporters in my own private first class tent, which I got mail order from Ambercrombie and Fitch by the way, before you ever even heard of Afghanistan, you flea-bitten sheep farking foreskin plucker! Maybe you read the NY Times once a month and think you are some kind of expert on Middle Eastern affairs Mike Steele, or maybe you just cut and paste some American propaganda off your most precious AOL internet pussy account you babboon faced heathen, and then attempt to sway the American people with facts, and truths, and other such nonsense... NO NO NO!

Let me set the American people straight right here and now! Mike Steele is the terrorist! He is the farking suicide bomber! Not the Palestinians! Not Al Qaeda, and not Yassir Arafat! The terrorist is Mike Steele! His promos are like bombs! His career is like a suicide! Everytime he opens his American foul-smelling mouth, he commits a terrorist act upon each and every one of you! And on the upcoming Flatline, in Eerie PA, Mike Steele will bomb, and lose the WWW World Heavyweight Title!

Babboo: Words of wisdom from the great Osama Bin Laden!

Osama: You can bet your boots on that jabberwockey!

Babboo: Osama, you said you had two reasons for calling today... what is reason number two?


Babboo: Eh, hmm? Osama, I don't think I underst---


Babboo: Osama, what does this all mean?

Osama: Oh... don't you be worrying Babboo. The right people got that message. And they understood every word of it. Hizzy on tha shnizzy, ah-iigit-blah! HALLAH! It is time to go now Babboo! Peace out my Arabic homeskillet, and remember..



Babboo: That was Osama Bin Laden ladies and gentlemen! Incredible! The great Allah is looking down on my crazy little show and smiling, don't you think?

The mall crowd has gone from curious at first, to shocked, and now is getting angry.

Babboo: I don't know how we can top that my friends, but today we have special treat for you. I have two of the MOST important people IN THE WORLD here today! MOST IMPORTANT in the WORLD! The Middle East and the Muslims of the world are all huddled around the tv set watching as I bring out my first geust. Everyone please say "Achmagiboo!" to my first geust... the great and honorable and incredible... REFEREE!

A W3 referee comes out as a smattering of appluase are heard.

Babboo: Yes, hello Referee, oh great and justified black and white king of all peoples.

Referee: Err, thanks for having me Babboo. although I am not quite sure why I am here.

Babboo: Because you are Referee, that is why, and you are one of the most important man in professional wrestling AND Middle Eastern politics today!

Referee: (looking confused) Well, uh... I'm not sure about either of those things Babboo. I mean, I'm just a pro wresling referee, certainly not one of the most important people in ALL of pro wrestling. And as far as Middle Eastern politics is concerned... I mean, I'm not even Middle astern. I'm not even Jewis--

Babboo: Don't even say that Referee! Allah forbid, a man such as you having to wear the mantle of the Jew bastiches. But YES! You are the most important man in both wrestling AND Arab life today!

Referee: How?

Babboo: Because you will be the referee for the Mike Steele / El Qasr Sahli Casbah match for the world title!

Referee: Yeah, but I don't see how that ma--

Babboo: And you wll make sure that El Qasr Sahli Casbah, the Caliph of Constipation, the Shah of Shwarma, the Pasha of Poontang, wins the world title from that mongrel, Mike Steele.

Referee: Uh, no. I can't do that.

Babboo: But, yes you can.

Referee: No, I can't.

Babboo: I say yes you can.

Referee: No, I say that I ca--



Babboo smacks the ref.

Referee: Hey!


Babboo wallops the referee and he flies off the stage and into the crowd.

Babboo: I smack you like bitch you garbage sifting ofal eater! Your mother mated with a desert zebra you worm infested tomb rat!

The crowd gets angry as the referee is really hurt. Hacksaw Jim Duggan rushes the stage.

Jim Duggan: HEYO! USA! USA! USA!

Skater kids: Dicksayswhat?

Jim Duggan: What?

Skater kids: HA HA!

Jim Duggan: Derp!

Babboo: Forget that fornickater of goats, and let us bring out the man of the hour, the guy who will always set your hearts aflame and your buildings, airports, and government agencies on fire....


El Qasr comes out to boos from the mall crowd. The crowd is starting to get downright ugly.

El Qasr: HALLAH! It is SO great to be here with you Babboo, at the opening of your new hit show, and inside one of America's finest malls, where I can shop, and eat, and get floor plans and blueprints for next September.

Babboo: Before you reveal too much oh great King of Contraception, perhaps you shouldtake this time to talk about your greatest triumph!

El Qasr: Let us talk about my world title match this week against Mike Steele! Yes Babboo, yes!

All around the world, the peoples of the Muslim religion, the greaest religion ever, all sit around their tv's, or radios, or campfires, and as they roast lamb testicles and eat sheeps eyeballs, all the talk is about ME! Everyone can hardly keep their sharmakas on as I get set to take the WWW world championship away from that camel-blower, Mike Steele.

But before I talk about this person, let me say a few words about someone else, someone many people would not expect me to talk about,mainlysue to the fact that he is a pathetic worm and not worth my time or my oily sweat.

The American people and especially the Israelli bastiches all know one thing. They all know that the Arabs people have someting all in common with one animal.

Crowd: Pigs!

Crowd: Sheep!

Crowd: Gerbils!

El Qasr: No you cork sucking bastiches... elephants! That is right, the Arabs and the mighty elephant have both something in common. Actually, HALLAH! Two things... big farking balls! And a memory tha never forgets!

And the one thing El Qasr Sahli Casbah will never forget is my loss to that insignificant fleas shit, Chris Sparks. Mr. Sparks, I do not know anything about you execpt that you are a stinking cork sucker and a farking bastiche. But I also know that I was veryembarassed by losing to you, you pig vomit eater. An I will neverforget and before this is all over I will bomb your childrens school, I will mutilate your pets and I will drive a Boeing 747 into your grandmothers house, but I will jump out with a parachute before it explodes into a roaring ball of flame and burns her and her chocolate chip cookies into nothing but ash. Beware Chris Sparks because I come for you.

But onto more pressing matters, and that is Mike Steele. You stupid piece of American trash. You pathetic little cork sucking "Who wants to be a Millionaire" watching pansy-boy. How DARE you talk about my people, the Arabs people? While you are nothing but a coward and a fool, and you eat McDonald's chicken McNuggets! Give me a nice humus sandwiche on a pita with a side of olives and a little tabouli salad....not some greasy fast food you Americans invented to make yourselves all fat and unpleasantly smelly!

Mike Steele, I am going to take that gold title away from your stinking, fetid, smoking pile of a body this week and I am going to present it to Osama Bin Laden as a urinal!

I am going to take that title and give it to Yassir Arafat, and he can replace that moth eaten grey and white shoal he has been wearing nigh these past 25 years with your WWW belt! HA HA HA! The entire world will know you are nothing but a loser!

Mike Steele I am going to rip your rectal cavity out and show it to you... show you how diseased you and your country actually are, even when you do not know it. Your Vice President Dick Cheney probably has a healthier prostate then you you greasey food eating douche bag. I will distend your prostate with my foot, and show it to you, show you that you are nothing but full of cancer and shit, like your country, like your ideals, and like your tedious little promos.

My people will prevail in this holy war set against them Mike Steele, just as I will prevail against you. Bring the INS with you, bring Geore W. Bush with you, bring the Isrealli farking army with you Mike Steele, because you will need all the help in the United Nations to not tap out to the most horrific terrorist submission move the Taliban ever created... the "Fuck you America!" camel clutch!

Let me make it absolutely clear to you Mike Steele, you stinking filthy American farking cork-sucking baboon molester... just like every Texas drunk has ripped President George W. Bushies daughter's alchoholic American vagina... this is how I will rip you apart!!!

The crowd goes ballistic, yelling and screaming and calling for El Qasr and Babboo's heads.

Hacksaw: HEYO! USA! USA! USA! I'll kick your Iranian ass!

El Qasr: I'm Egyptian you farking loser!

Skater Kids: Losersayswhat?

Hacksaw: What?

Kids: HA HA!

Hacksaw: Durp!

El Qasr grabs Hacksaw by the hair, pulls him onstage, and slaps the "Fuck you America" on him as Babboo lights another flag a-flaming, the mall catches on fire and every runs screaming for their lives.


El Qasr Sahli Casbah

Apple pie tastes like camel snot.