Name: Mike P
Age (16-20): 18
Date of Birth: May 18
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Appearance (What They Look Like, i.e., Hair, Eyes, Etc): Short unkempt brown hair, brown eyes, average height, thin frame
Persona (How They Act): At times he is a moody outsider, at other times he plays the part of aloof jester. However, both of these are merely fronts, and he will die for those he considers his friends. Also, he seems to have an irrational fear of monkey attacks.
Clothes: Mike P wears black jeans, a pair of boots, a green shirt, a black vest, and a black jacket. He is not a goth, but merely likes the color, and knows it goes with everything. He also wears a pair of glasses, and carries a black satchel with random oddities in it.
Color Of Crystal Shard: Jade
Elemental Power (Fire, Ice, Water, Lightning, Etc): Flora
Elemental Power: Flora (Plants)
Magical Weapon: Shovel of Growth
Descrip of Magical Attack: Mike P can strike his shovel against the
ground to make plants (such as vines) disable his foes, or create a climbing
surface against a cliff face or other useful things. When fully charged, a
giant Venus flytrap comes out of the ground and eats his foes.
Brief History/Background: Mike P was born to a whore on a freighter on the Cuyahoga River, and was cast overboard mere hours after birth. He would have met his death that day if it wasn't for a kindly hobo who noticed the child and brought him in. However, the hobo's intentions were not entirely pure, and the hobo quickly sold Mike P on the black market, where he switched many hands over the course of seven years. He had no first name for many of these years, until one of the many parents who cared for him absent-mindedly called him "Mike".
At the age of seven, however, Mike P found his way into a kindly foster home. All would have been well from that point, until the young man came home from school one day to find his entire foster family dead. The Mafia seemed to make a mistake in exacting mob justice, and saw to it that Mike P was taken care of in a positive sense. For three years, he lived with the Mafia head, and Mike P was well taken care of. However, when Mike P was ten, there was a police crackdown on the Mafia, and it resulted in his latest adoptive father being shot to death. The police, unsure of where this child even came from, found it impossible to trace his background. When asked his last name, Mike replied that he had none, and told them to simply call him Mike P: the P standing for "person".
At this point, no one wanted him, and he was sent to a run-down orphanage with kindly nuns and not-so-kindly porters. For eight years, Mike waited in vain for someone to come for him, but it never happened. Then, on his eighteenth birthday, he was left to wander in Cleveland, with no useful skills and only a meager amount of money.