Name: Owen O'Malley
Date of Birth: April 8
Gender: male
Ethnicity: Irish-American (Dual citizen)
Appearance: Owen is 6'3" and weighs 210 lbs. His body's lean, and he's fairly strong. He's got shoulder length brown hair, usually tied back in a ponytail. He's got an inch-long scar going down his left cheek from just above the cheekbone to the middle of his cheek. He's got green eyes and a goatee (just on his chin)
Persona: A soft-spoken individual, Owen tends to be a happy-go-lucky individual who typically speaks when spoken to. A huge history buff, Owen tends to add a different perspective on different things. He's a firm believer of the addage "those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it". He's also a bit of a practical joker, enjoying a good prank every once in a while. A typical Irishman to the core, he's got a penchant for swearing a bit (He's getting better at not doing it often), and a bit of a temper when he gets worked up. He's incredibly calm and cool, and tries not to let his anger get the better of him.
Clothes: Owen wears a bright blue t-shirt, a black button-down shirt over that, usually opened, black cargo pants loaded with a bunch of useless crap, and a black pair of skater shoes.
Color Of Crystal Shard: silver
Elemental Power (Fire, Ice, Water, Lightning, Etc): Spirit/Ki
Magical Weapon: Twin Katana (Katana is a Japanese word, and ergo is both singular and plural)
Descrip of Magical Attack: Once Owen's shard is completed, quite a few things
happen. One, his bangs become silver colored, and his black shirt becomes a dark
silver color. Two, Owen becomes aware of his spiritual power and gains some
skill in using it. He can focus energy into the blades of his katana, making
them sharper than any blade forged by man. He can also focus energy into his
wounds, causing them to heal at an accellerated rate. If provoked, he can gather
the majority of his energy and focus it into a projectile attack, draining his
spiritual reserves for the day but doing significant damage if a direct hit.
Brief History/Background: Owen was born in Cleveland, but grew up on a farm outside of Dublin. He never knew his mother, as she died during childbirth. His father taught him that history was, and is, an important thing in this world. At the age of eight, his father died and Owen went to live with his uncle in America. While living in America, Owen excelled in history in school, and even learned the Japanese style of sword-play. During his fourth semester of college, he spent a few months in Japan studying history when he discovered a silver crystal shard in his luggage, the day he was supposed to return to America.
Other: Owen has a ton of crap in his pockets, which includes many tiny tools, an MP3 player, and other assorted junk. His accent is quite odd, as he likes to use the Piker accent, which is a hightly unintelligable version of an Irish accent. He only does it to annoy people, as his normal accent is much more understandable.