
Vampire:Aristocrats. Hunters of the night. Believe they have the birthright to rule this planet. Those who have never tasted blood can live without it, but those who have must quench their thirst every night. Most full vampires have pale skin, light hair and light mesmerizing eyes.

Pros: Can heal/regenerate, full vampires can fly short distances, very fast/strong, some can bend crosses with their will so they are no longer effective

Cons: Vunerable to sunlight. MUST be in a very dark place when the sun comes up. Can be killed by a stake through the heart. Helpless in the daytime.

Humans: Most live in small towns or villages, overlooked by the ancient castles of the Counts. Hate all vampires and those bitten by them. Recently have become very angry, for 20 years they lived without fear of the night and now the peace has been broken. Some will do anything to exterminate the vampires once again. Many have become bounty hunters.

Pros:Three words: Safety in numbers. The humans greatly outnumber the vampires. They aren't vunerable to daytime and do not hesitate to strike the vampires down while they sleep.

Cons:Suseptible to the vampires 'aura', which makes some weak-willed humans wish and even beg to be bitten. A human who falls in love with a vampire also has this weakness. Are prey to vampires at night.

Mutants:Humans who have become mutated and exiled from the rest of society. Some have bizzare powers, the mutant Rei was able to warp space around him, causing D's sword to stab D instead of Rei. Most are in service of vampires, hoping to better their staus by becoming vampires themselves. They look human but have sharper teeth and serpentlike toungues

Pros:Under the protection of vampires. They also return the favor by guarding the vampires while they sleep. They live in relative safety and are treated better than they were by humans on their own. Siding with the vampires gives them the chance to take revenge on the humans for mistreating them. Could become a vampire if their employer wishes to invite them in the family.

Cons:Being under the service of vampires means that you have to do some of thier dirty work. Spying, kidnapping and assassinations are among the duties Vampires have you do, and if you fail, they may not be too forgiving...

Dampiels:Half human, half vampire. Hated by both. You mostly live alone, either giving into your vampire side and slaughtering humans for their blood; or resisting the urge to feed and hunting down those who do.

Pros:Best of Both worlds. You are strong and can heal like a vampire, but you are not as vunerable to sunlight and can take a limited amount before suffering any effects.

Cons:Slightly weaker than a full vampire. Must rely on skills more than inborn strength. Most are alone, and fight in battles where they are outnumbered.

3/4 Human 1/4 Vamp-

Strengths- While he wears a hat or sunglasses, no weakness to sunlight. Even without it he can withstand sunlight for about 5-6 hours. His speed and strength are superior to that of a human, his reaction times rival a pure vampire's and he has a quite limited heal/regenerate ability.

Weaknesses: somewhat weaker then a Vampire or even a Dampiel, and like a dampiel, pure Humans absolutely hate him for his Vampire blood so he doesn't really have human allies.