RacesThese are the races you can choose from.There is also alittle info on each one.
Humans Fight mainly with technology.Originated on Earth.Came to populate other planets once Earth became over populated.Higher beings in the universe see them as insects. Defense:1 Strength:1 Technique:3 Speed:2 Weapon:4 Pilot:4 |
Ctarl-Ctarl Feline like humanoids.Originated on Planet Ctarl.Have the strength of 10 men,Can transform into a tiger like creature at will,love war,and require great amounts of food to sustain their strength.Respect is given to rank in their society.Ctarl-Ctarl females are a popular item the universe over. Defense:2 Strength:5 Technique:3 Speed:2 Weapon:1 Pilot:2 |
Bio Android Beings created of organic matter and nanotechnology such as nanomachines and nanoscopic cucuitry.They are identical to the race that created them and can't be distinguished from the normal beings. Defense:2 Strength:3 Technique:2 Speed:1 Weapon:1 Pilot:5 |
Silgrians Usually religious.They look like lizard people.They move pretty quick when it come to battle. Defense:3 Strength:2 Technique:2 Speed:4 Weapon:2 Pilot:2 |
Saurians Bioengineered dragonmen.Extremely good at fighting.Usually aren't skilled in machinery,but can be taught.They often posses high self pride,which makes them good allies in combat.Their high self pride is why their race cannot function together as a whole.They are sometimes referred to as "Dragonites" or the ancient race believed to have created the Galactic Leyline. Defense:5 Strength:4 Technique:3 Speed:1 Weapon:1 Pilot:1 |
Corbanite These beings are seen throughout the universe.Naturally skilled at machinery and with high endurance,they make good workers and normally are. Defense:5 Strength:1 Technique:1 Speed:1 Weapon:3 Pilot:4 |
Cyborg A human who has certain physiological processes and/or body parts aided,controlled,or enhanced by mechanical or electronic devices. Defense:2 Strength:2 Technique:3 Speed:2 Weapon:4 Pilot:4 |
Construct A fully artificial human created with the DNA of others.The DNA is collected and used to form an embryo and its growth is controlled/altered until its "birth". Defense:1 Strength:1 Technique:2 Speed:2 Weapon:3 Pilot:3 |