Hotel Room

By Genkischuldich

"Finally." Perhaps, Crawford felt, he spoke with in a tone suggesting more amusement 
than was really necessary. He shifted in the bed in their hotel room, attempting to get 
more comfortable. He lay face down, forcing the tension to leave his body as his former 
enemy, Aya, ran his fingers across his back and occasionally teased towards his arse.

Crawford wondered if the his partner's emotions mirrored his own. Waves of nausea 
rushed through his body, and he'd rather do anything than admit to that feeling. A surge 
of adrenalin, he told himself. After all, he knew Aya should be aware that he couldn't use 
this to destroy him when he was able to see the future. This simply wasn't an option.

And in that future, it hit him. Laughter was reflected across his mind, and he suddenly 
realised he was being spied on. Schuldich would reveal himself in time, but it didn't mean 
he wasn't watching now.

How could I resist? drawled the voice of his telepathic team-mate. Crawford frowned, 
annoyed that he'd been unable to get in the first word.

He heard a telepathic chuckle. I'm in my bedroom, entertaining a friend. We wanted some 
entertainment before we started and I knew you'd be happy to oblige.

Before he was able to answer, Crawford felt Aya's hands on his thighs, insistent. He was 
trying to get him to spread his legs and was being quite unsuccessful.

Instant orgasm if you get him to enter you at *just the right angle*, instructed Schuldich.

Got a protractor? joined in soft, boyish voice, which appeared to be in the same room as 
the previous mental voice. Nagi!?

Crawford bucked and kicked, scrabbling at the covers, shouting out the name of the boy 
he'd raised. He felt expensive fabric ripping underneath his fingernails as he panted and 

He twisted his neck around to see Aya leaning over him. His elbows rested on the 
mattress, his eyes full of the distrust that one might expect from a man who'd seen his 
potential lover cry out the name of another man.

"Did you come already?" he asked slowly.

Crawford looked up at him and groaned. This was going to far more difficult than he'd 
ever anticipated.