Title: Baci Word Games
Author: Cloudy daze
Rating: PG, although it’s probably G. Using PG just to be safe however.
Category: This is total fluff. ^_^
Pairings: 3+4 and 1+2
Spoilers: None.
Feedback: Yes please. Although it’s just a fluff so you’d be giving praise to Tabitha, the fluff muse. She’ll probably like it though.
Warning: Well if you’re scared of two guy’s kissing then what the heck are you doing on the site in the first place?
Disclaimer: I don’t own Gundam Wing but everyone already knows this. If I did do you think my dad would have to be selling his guns to afford my laptop? Oh yeah I’ll stick my little author note in the disclaimer as well. Baci is a type of Italian candy. That’s where the title comes from. The quotes that are used in this story are from the wrappers of this type of candy. Am I odd or what? ^_^

Baci Word Games

The two individuals sat facing each other. Beautiful baby blue eyes met mysterious forest green ones. The taller of them slowly lifted up his arm and ran slender fingers across the blonde’s cheek. The blue eyes danced as the boy smiled widely. The other’s lips upturned faintly. He withdrew his hand to entwine it with the soft smaller fingers of the blonde.

"The greatest possible happiness: the first kiss of the beloved," Trowa murmured.

Quatre grinned and leaned forward to brush his lips softly against the other's. "A kiss is a promise written upon the lips," the blonde remarked.

"When a kiss is ended, it leaves behind it a smile," Trowa stated.

The smaller boy kissed him again and smiled. "A kiss can beautify souls, hearts and thoughts," Quatre added.

"Hey Heero! What the heck are those two doing?" The longhaired boy asked from outside the door. The perfect soldier stood beside him and glanced inside the room.

"The warm breath of a kiss is necessary if love is to come to life," Trowa whispered.

"The kiss demands love, the kiss also grants love," Quatre breathed.

Duo observed them both and shook his head. He snaked an arm around Heero’s waist and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "I love you, you love me. Let’s never do that, ok?"

The other boy nodded and they both walked away.

"A little kiss while you are sleeping, to give you sweeter dreams," the brunette said as he again graced his lover with a kiss.

"One kiss: and suddenly love awakens," the blonde countered.

A dark haired Chinese boy stood silently, watching their little exchange of words.

"One in love fears no storm, he fears only the death of love," the brunette exclaimed.

"A love that could die was not real love," Quatre added back.

Wufei glanced at one and then the other. He shook his head faintly and left.

The blonde watched him go and smiled at his companion.

Trowa lifted up their inner-laced fingers and kissed the boy’s hand.

"One learns the things one likes; how to kiss is the easiest of lessons." The taller boy then kissed the blonde’s lips.

"The kiss: a sweet discovery of oneself after a long search," Quatre murmured as he returned the action.

"Words are the prose of love: kisses are its poetry," Trowa exclaimed, a smug look on his face.

"The blonde frowned, his eyebrows crossed in deep thought. He then glanced up and smiled. The kiss together with music; is the one universal language," Quatre announced.

This time the brunette actually did smile. "That one is the best. You win," he stated.

The smaller boy got out of his seat and pulled Trowa up with him. "I think you let me win," Quatre muttered.

"You’re just better at using words, little one."

They walked hand in hand up the stairs. The blonde tilted his head up to indicate that his lover should kiss him. Trowa leaned down and their lips caressed each others’ softly.

"Be right back," the blue-eyed boy remarked. He let go of the brunette’s hand and entered the bathroom.

Trowa watched the door as it closed and then grinned. "Love seeks ever the kindly heart," he announced quietly. His gaze then swept the room and he sat on the bed waiting for his angel to return.

The End