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Part 7

Faith of the Heart


By TT Snim





Kitt awoke with a start and scanned his surroundings. Only to be filled with complete and unbridled panic.

Pooling on the floor in the glittering sunlight was oil, antifreeze and gasoline. To a human it may have been something to ignore, possibly even like. The smell was sweet and in the light, rainbows formed in all patterns and shapes, much like abalone shells. If you interpreted the sight, however, as a machine having the mind of a human, you would see that the oil, antifreeze and gasoline were very much like urine, bile and blood. And as the three liquids would pool from a human it would make for a grotesque sight. The rancid green would blend into a horrendous brown as it mingled with the crimson red. Then the pungent yellow that was nothing more than filth and waste would water it down.

There were engine parts scattered everywhere. This left the prow little more than a hollow chasm. A desolate body with its entrails thrown about as garbage; it would give even the titans cause to shudder.

Dozens of unfamiliar people were moving about Kitt, speaking with themselves, pointing at he scattered parts, and picking through the refuse.

“Michael!?” Kitt's voice was strangled and several octaves higher than normal. The sound and force was more than enough to let all who could hear, that it was a cry drawn from sheer terror.

Kitt tore his vision from the scattered parts around him and looked desperately for his partner. For some reason he could only see the video images in front of him. X-ray, infrared and chem-scans were all gone. He felt nearly blind.


The people were all suited up in protective yellow garb concealing them from Kitt's nearly useless vision. They were covered in the grime of the parts scattered from one end of the gray wall room to the other. The bodies turned towards him, the plastic masks covering their faces, giving the impression of one eyed beasts covered in the blood of some slaughtered enemy.


“I'm right here, Kitt.”

Kitt latched onto the sound and followed it to his left door. Leaning in was one of these yellow clad monsters.

“Michael... is that you?”

The gloved paws reached up and pulled the one eyed hood off.

A mess of dark curly hair fell around perfect blue eyes as Michael gave his best reassuring smile. “See, just me pal, it's all right.” Michael leaned against the door and into the open window. Kitt was more than alarmed when he couldn't feel it.

“I'm numb...” He started, his voice working up again. “I can't feel anything.”

“I know, Kitt. It's all right.”

“Where am I?”

“Knight Industries.” Michael replied. “We moved you here from the Mansion.”


“About three days ago.”

“I don't remember that.”

Kitt watched as Michael opened the driver's side door. Slowly he climbed in and sat down. Dark bags hung under his blood shot eyes. He leaned forward onto the steering wheel and sighed.

“Kitt, what's the last thing you remember?”

“Shutting down in the semi out on the highway.”

Michael shifted and looked out into the busy garage. “That was about a week and a half ago.”

“I don't believe it.” Kitt said, frightened. “Why would I forget all that time?”

Michael shifted and sat up. “Because we wanted you to forget.” Kitt watched as he reached out and rubbed the dash absentmindedly. More than anything, Kitt wanted to be able to feel that touch.


Michael sighed. “The team had to do a lot of work on you, pal. That mess of parts on the floor took days to create.”

“They did it all here?”

Michael nodded. “They had all the right tools to do it here.”

Kitt ventured to look again at the metallic carnage sprawled out over the cement before him. The one eyed men were scrounging through the parts, scavenging anything that looked as if even an ounce of life could still be somehow extracted.

“Was I shut down the whole time?”

“No.” Michael said quietly. He glanced down at his gloved hands and Kitt could tell he was seeing memories.

“What happened?”

“Nothing you need to worry about, pal.”

“But I am worried. I want to know what happened. And what, for that matter, will happen next.”

Michael looked back up and out the window. “Next, you'll be getting all cleaned up so that tomorrow morning they can put the new engine in.”

“It's done?”

Michael nodded, smiling a little. “Yep, came into the garage yesterday. Bonnie is looking it over right now.”

Kitt retreated to his own thoughts as the news stirred up wave after wave of dread.

“Kitt?” Michael asked concerned.


“You OK?”

“Do I look OK?” Kitt replied. “They gutted me. Look. Look at what they did to me!” It was a distressed wail.

Michael again reached out and rubbed the dead plastic of the dash. “Kitt, by the end of the week you'll be on the road again. You'll be stronger, faster and more powerful than ever before. You want that. I know you want that.”

“Yes.” Kitt said. “I want that.”

“Then why not forget about all of this and think about our next case, huh? We have a bomber to go after next. It'll be a really thrilling case.”

“But what if they mess up?” Kitt asked. “What if they make a mistake and something goes wrong?”

“They won't”

“How do you know?”

Michael smiled again. “I just do, pal. I have faith in these guys.”

“Faith.” Kitt said flatly. “I'm a computer, Michael. Faith is something that does not compute.”

“Kitt.” Michael said gently. “Pain doesn't compute either. Does it?”

Kitt halted at the question. For a moment he couldn't speak. “I... It's not the same thing.”

“When I go into a building and you can't protect me when there is something a lot stronger than me looking for my blood, what stops you from stopping me?”


“You believe that I'll be all right, don't you?”

“I do.”


Kitt couldn't answer.

“That is faith, Kitt.”

“Do you honestly think I can just believe everything will be all right?” Dejection was the only thing to register in Kitt's hushed voice.

“I do.”

“May I ask why?”

Michael hung his head. He sat for a minute, clad in the gaudy yellow rubber suit, the one eyed hood dangling at the back of his neck. He looked exhausted and troubled. “Because I have to.” He sighed. “I need you, Kitt. Without you, I, Michael Knight, would have no reason to keep... To stay here... to keep on with this life I have been given.”

“Michael, is that true?”

“Yes, pal, it's true.”




“Kitt, can you talk? Can you try and say something?”

Kitt's muddled mind rolled towards the sound of a woman's voice.

“Come on sweetie, let me know you're still there.”


“Kitt?” Michael was asking in a firm voice. “Come on buddy, wake up.”

Kitt's video came to life in a Technicolor blur. Michael and a red head female were standing next to him. The woman seemed to be smiling.

“Honey, can you say something? Can you tell me what today is?”

“Janet?” Kitt finally asked with a rasp. The name seemed to fit the woman for some reason.

“Yes, Kitt?” She replied.

“What... what happened?”

“Were trying the new program, remember?”


“Come on Kitt, think, what's the last thing you can remember?” Michael asked firmly.

Kitt slowly reached out to his foggy memory. Janet was there... apparently she was part of the team assigned to do the overhaul. She was in charge of making sure Kitt was not put under any unnecessary stress.

“Someone was telling me to relax.” Kitt finally said. His voice was drawn out and slurred.

“That's good.” Janet said with another smile.

“I'm seeing double.” Kitt's voice clearly held mounting worry.

“That's all right, Kitt. It'll clear up in a minute.” Janet reassured. “Trust me OK?”

“OK.” Kitt slurred. He waited quietly as the thick blanket covering his consciousness lifted.

Through windows that had been dowsing the gray room with light, Kitt could now see a thin slice of the moon. The room had been scrubbed and washed down. The engine parts that had once been scattered from one wall to the other were now placed on a table not more than five yards away. A second table had been set up with chairs around it. Books and a coffee pot had been set up. Michael, ragged and haggard, stood just before Kitt, his hand on the shoulder of the short red headed Janet. She was smiling and wiping some of the brackish grime off of his hood.

“It's getting easier to see.” Kitt finally said, his voice becoming sharper. But it was a little thick.

Michael smiled, reached back, and pulled up a chair. He straddled it and folded his arms over the back. “Do you want to go over the plans again, pal?”


Michael nodded. “Bonnie will be back in a minute, she wanted to go over them again with you.”

“What plans?”

Janet took a seat next to Michael. “Don't you remember, Kitt?”


She smiled pleasantly and reached for a clipboard. Taking it firmly in one hand, she flipped through the pages. “These are the plans for the overhaul. Step by step.”

“Did we go over them before?” Kitt asked.

She nodded. “I'm glad the program is working still. You weren’t supposed to remember talking about them.”

“And now?” He asked slightly distressed.

“You should be able to commit them to long term memory.” She replied.

“The program was turned off.” Michael added.

“Shouldn't we wait for Bonnie?” Kitt asked, still edgy.

“We can.” Janet replied. “If you want.”

“I'd like that.” Kitt admitted. “Michael?”


“Can you tell me what happened?”


“When I was moved here. I want to know what I can't remember.”

“Kitt I don’t think...”

Janet raised her hand. “Michael, if he wants to know I don't think it will hurt him any to find out what happened.”

Michael looked at her for a moment before nodding tiredly. “OK, pal, where do you want me to start?”

“At the beginning. What happened after I got back to FLAG?”

“Well...” Michael rubbed the back of his neck. “We got you into the garage and Devon brought the team in. After a little while we all decided to move you here so that you're old engine could be looked over. We all wanted to know just how salvageable your engine could be.”

“And?” Kitt asked sounding a bit like a child listening to a horror story from his parent.

“And it was decided that your engine was completely totaled.” Michael answered.

“So why did it take so long to remove?” Kit asked.

“Well,” Janet said, taking over the story for Michael, “we had to work around you sensors. You had to be awake and help us yourself, so it took Bonnie and I two days to come up with the new program. You stayed awake, but it blocked most, if not all of your short term memories from being recorded in your long term memory banks.”

“I see.” Kitt said quietly. “So I was awake for...” He glanced at the parts set on the far table. “... For the removal of the old engine.”

Michael hung his head slightly and nodded. “Yeah, you were.”

“Did it hurt?”

Michael glanced at Janet who gave him a kind smile. “It's only natural that he would want to know.” She said gently. She then turned to Kitt. “The very reason Bonnie and I created this program was so that you couldn’t remember any of the unpleasant events. It did hurt and you were in a lot of pain.”

“Do you remember anything Kitt? Anything at all?” Michael asked. He looked suddenly like he had remembered enough of the lost week for both him and Kitt.

“I don't think so.” Kitt replied.”

“Try to remember, Kitt.” Janet urged softly.

“Are you sure about that?” Michael asked, the worry growing.

She nodded. “It's all right. He'll try eventually. It's best that if he can remember anything it's here and now.”

Kitt warily skimmed his data banks. There wasn't a huge blank, but small fragments that seemed to link together. He could remember voices and people telling him to do things, someone at one point was warning him that he'd feel a strong tug, but that it shouldn't be to bad. Another person, Janet possibly, was telling him that he'd feel the pressure of water. The rest of the fragments were too small and too indistinct to gather anything more than a simple impression. Some gave him the feeling of fear, others panic, and some of pain. Scattered feelings of numbness, exhaustion and the sensation of being comforted were small and infrequent highlights to the broken remnants of the resent past.

But overall, there was nothing solid.

“It's only bits and pieces, Michael.” Kitt finally reported. “The program worked.”

Michael exhaled and Kitt wondered if he had been holding his breath. Before he could ask, however, Bonnie came walking into the room. To Kitt's surprise, she looked nearly as worn out as Michael did.

“Is he awake?” She asked as she set down a stack of papers.

Michael nodded.

She smiled and walked up to Kitt. “Hey, how are you?”

Kitt hesitated. The last memory of Bonnie he had was of her furious with him. He was instantly swamped with guilt and embarrassment. “Bonnie, I'm sorry.”

She looked at him slightly puzzled. Taking her own seat she sat down next to Michael and folded her hands between her knees. “For what, Kitt?”

“For running out like I did.”

She smiled and glanced down at her hands. “What number is this, Janet?”

“This is the fifth time.”

Michael smiled a little.

“Fifth time for what?” Kitt asked, confused.

“Fifth time you apologized.” Bonnie replied. “And, for the fifth time, I forgive you.”

“Oh, I forgot.” Kitt explained.

Bonnie smiled a little wider. “I know Kitt, Janet and I created the program.”

“Yes…well... I...”

“Forgot?” Michael asked.

Janet chuckled and Bonnie came close to a grin.

“” Kitt stopped and changed the subject. “I want to know the plans.”

“We were waiting for you on Kitt's request.” Janet said. She handed the clipboard over to Bonnie. Bonnie looked over the notes and then glanced at her watch.

“Well, Kitt, in about nine hours, the team will come and prep this garage's clean room. That should take about ten to fifteen minutes. I will be in charge of handling the overall overhaul. Janet will be the one to deal directly with you as she has been. It will be her job to make sure you are asleep when you need to be and awake when you need to be.”

“Will I remember anything?” Kitt asked.

“No.” Janet answered. “You won't.”

“In about nine and a half hours,” Bonnie continued, “Janet and I will come and get you onto the trailer that will help us get you into the clean room. Once in there, we will move you onto the lift and hook you up to the monitors and computers.”

“That is when I'll activate the program.” Janet said kindly.

“After the program is running, then we will start phase one of your engine installation.” Bonnie said. “We will clean you completely and take the final measurements. Then we will measure the engine and consult all of the plans and diagrams we have drawn up. If something looks wrong, anything at all, we will stop the procedure and you will be sent back here. We will then rethink everything and redraw our charts and diagrams.”

Michael spoke up then. “It's not likely that they will do that, pal, they have been working on the charts and stuff for the whole week.”

Bonnie nodded. “Phase two will be us actually lowering the new engine into your body and making sure that everything will work out. Again, if something doesn't look right, we stop everything, and take it back out. At this point, though, we won't be sending you back. We'll just try placing the engine again. After it's properly placed, then phase three will start. We'll begin hooking your main sensors up. At this point, you'll get all of your vision and feeling back.”

“But you'll forget everything when were done.” Janet reassured Kitt.

“Phase four is the part where we actually hook the engine up to your body. You will be helping us during that time. Phase five will be diagnostic tests and calibration. In phase six, we will be cleaning and closing you up. And that will conclude the procedure.”

“How long will it take?” Kitt asked.

“I have no idea.” Bonnie replied honestly. “Anywhere from six to ten hours.”

“What will happen until then?” Kitt asked.

“We sleep.” Michael replied. “I'm sleeping here with you.”

“I got the cots.” Bonnie said. She pointed to an old rectangle folded around some small foam pads.

“You are both sleeping here with me?” Kitt asked, taken back.

“Yes, we are.” Bonnie replied. She stood and handed Janet her clipboard back. “If you all don't mind, I'm going to go get ready for bed.”

“I'll go get ready too.” Michael said. He stood and patted Kitt on the prow. “Be right back, pal.”

“What about you, Janet?” Kitt asked as Michael walked with Bonnie.

“Oh, I have a room in the upper level of this building. But I’ll be here bright and early in the morning.”

“I see.” Kitt said. For a moment, there was silence and Janet started looking the notes over.

“Um...” Kitt said slowly.

She looked up. “Yes, Kitt?”

“I know you have been with me for the last week and a half, but I don't remember you at all except for earlier today. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?”

She smiled. “OK. I don't mind doing that again.” She set the clipboard aside and crossed her legs elegantly. “I was brought onto this team because I have been working for the AI department for three years now with other AI's very much like yourself. I write all sorts of programs on demand and Devon himself asked me to come specifically to design a program with Bonnie, to help you through this.

“Devon and I have been friends for years. When he first told me about you, I jumped full throttle in to AI programming. You have been my inspiration to become an AI programmer. I couldn't refuse the chance to help you, after you have helped me so much.”

Kitt listened in silence. He words were soft and soothing. He relaxed a little as she continued.

“When I heard what had happened, I decided that no matter what, I was going to make sure that I prevented as much discomfort as I possibly could for you. Now, if there is anything I can do for you right now, tell me and I'll do it.”

“Well, I don't want anything for myself.” Kitt said. “But...but if anything happens to me...” Kitt stopped.

“Go on.” She urged as kindly as she could.

“Make sure Michael knows that I want him to stay with FLAG.”

She smiled and nodded. “I'll tell him. I promise.”

“Thank you, Janet.”

She nodded.

Kitt fell back into silence until Michael returned with a blanket and pillow under one arm. In his other hand was a large jug of water. Kitt tried to open the door for his partner, but it wouldn't budge.

“I can't move at all.” He said quickly.

Janet stood and opened the door. “It's all right. That’ll be fixed tomorrow.”

“Thanks.” Michael said as he sank into the seat. “She's right, Kitt. Tomorrow you become the super car of the future again.” He fluffed the pillow and placed it behind his head.

“Good night, Michael.” Janet said. She then ran her hand over Kitt's top. “Good night, Kitt.”

“Good night, Janet. Thank you.”

“Yeah, ‘night, Janet.” Michael added. He spread the blanket out in the limited room of the cabin and tucked himself in.

After Janet had gone, Michael leaned the seat back and sighed. “Won't be long before you and I'll be doing this in some parking lot on a case. Right, Kitt?”

“I hope so, Michael. I really hope so.”




Michael had fallen asleep in a matter of minutes. Bonnie held out for nearly a half an hour after she had finally arrived and settled in to the cot. She nodded off with the clipboard in hand and the light on.

Kitt watched them silently. To him, only a handful of hours had passed since he had been picked up on the side of the road. Bonnie's anger had been worse than the storm, Michael's silence more terrifying than the thunder. Now they were there with him, sleeping, resting before the overhaul.

Kitt shrank back from the thought. As of now he was paralyzed. He couldn't even roll down his own window. The promise of doubled power did sound good. To ride again, to be unstoppable, to be able to win any fight...

But first he had to survive this one battle.

Kitt jerked his thoughts away from the ominous morning looming only hours away. Instead he watched his partner sleep for a while. Michael was completely unconscious. It had been clearly evident that for a long period of time, Michael had not slept at all. Now he was recovering what he could before...

Kitt pulled his mind to Bonnie. She was sleeping far more lightly, a calm look on her face, as she was bathed in the spotlight of the reading lamp. Kitt had noticed that she hadn't been as exhausted as Michael and this concerned him a great deal. Had Bonnie slept while Michael did not?

Kitt wanted desperately to remember the past. He reached into the back of his mind and gathered what little memory he could. It was still blurry and useless.

Frustrated and more than a little terrified, Kitt finally resolved to shut down for the rest of the night.

As his programs went off line he focused on Michael. His last vision of his partner was of the man slightly curled up on the seat holding the pillow with one arm and keeping the blanket up with the other; his face fixed with worry.




“Rise and shine.” Bonnie called out. Kitt awoke with a start in the overly bright gray room. The cot and tables were gone and Bonnie was dressed in crisp new overalls and large rubber boots. Her hair was tied back and she had a pair of safety glasses tucked into her pocket.

“What time is it?” Kitt asked, clearly startled. “And where's Michael?”

“Six o'clock sharp.” Bonnie replied. “And Michael is taking a shower.”

“When will he be done?” Kitt asked.

Bonne's smile faded a little. “In a minute.”

Kitt fell silent and looked around the room quickly. The team that had been assembled the day before were back. All were dressed in overalls with color-coded shirts on. Large labels were on the front and backsides of them. The red clad people, who Bonnie was a member of, were labeled “commanders”.

The team in gray left the room briefly. When they returned, they had a scooter pulling a car, carrying dolly behind it. They stopped near Kitt and placed winches on the dolly.

“What is that for?” Kitt asked near panic.

“That is what we will be using to move you into the clean room.” Bonnie explained calmly.

Kitt focused on it wearily. “Oh.”

“Hey, good morning Kitt.” Janet called from the door. She waved before picking her way through the teams and standing next to Kitt. Her hair was up in a bun and she had her safety glasses on. Over her overalls and red shirt was a knee length lab coat.

“Morning Janet.” Kitt eked. He then realized he didn't know her last name. He would have asked, had he not been distracted buy a very welcome sight. Michael was walking up to them toweling off his damp hair. It was almost dry, but not quite.


The human partner seemed to force a smile as he closed the distance between them. “Ready for today, Kitt?”

“I'm ready for it to be tomorrow.” Kitt said attempting a touch of humor, but failed the impression because his voice was now trembling.

Michael reached down and stroked the black hood. “Relax, Kitt. You said you'd leave the worrying to me, remember?”

Kitt thought for a moment. “Yes.” He exclaimed nervously. “I do remember that.”

Michael smiled for real this time. “Great. Listen pal, I'll be right back. I'm going to go blow dry this mess and grab some coffee.”

“OK, hurry.”

“I will.” Michael said with a nod and walked quickly away. Bonnie watched him for a second before turning to Kitt.

“Kitt, I'm going to hook your CPU up to a monitoring device.”

“Will it hurt?”

She shook her head as she opened a small bag of adapters. “No, it's just like plugging in a TV or printer to your dashboard. You won't feel a thing.” She opened the passenger side door and sat down.

Kitt waited quietly as the noise around him started to pick up. Computers, monitors and cables were being pulled through two swinging doors at the end of the room by the gray team. Kitt could quickly glimpse a short hallway beyond the doors. Once the computer stuff seemed to be completely moved, a vast array of tools such as drills, power screwdrivers, and air tanks were being pulled through the doors.

“Kitt, you might feel a little tingling sensation for just a second. OK?” Bonnie said as she worked on his dash.


Kitt felt a small shock race through his whole body after a second. He yelped and then turned his whole attention on Bonnie. “What did you just do?” He demanded.

She sighed and pushed a stray strand of hair back. “I bypassed a system and brought your nervous system back online.” She replied. “In a second, your body will reboot and you'll...”

Kitt yelped again as his whole body became one mass of fizzled soreness. The sensation of his empty engine compartment was more than startling. “Can you undo this?” He almost whimpered.

“No, Kitt.” Bonnie replied gently. “I'll need your help during the overhaul.”

“Janet said I'd be asleep.” He looked around for her and spotted her talking with some men from the blue team.

“Not entirely. I'll need you awake now and then. But you won’t remember anything. Remember her telling you that?”

Kitt thought for a moment before meekly replying. “Yes, I remember.”

“Fifteen minutes people!” Someone called.

Kitt wanted to cry out for Michael, but he kept silent. The noise was now a loud clamoring of tool boxes and boot clad feet as people came to and from the doorway.


Startled, Kitt turned his attention towards the source of the sound. RC was standing in the middle of the room with a box under one arm. Devon was behind him holding a bag.

Bonnie climbed out of the passenger side and shut the door. “You guys made it with only minutes to spare.”

RC smiled and strode up to Kitt's prow. “Well there was a delay at the car shop.”

Devon nodded. “A small line of bikers seemed to be stocking up on things. Apparently they will be going on a cross country trip.”

“Why were you two at the car shop?” Bonnie asked as she eyed the box and the bag.

Both grinned and set their things down on Kitt's hood. “They are gifts for Kitt.” Devon explained.

“Yeah, some rad stuff to help him feel better.” RC added.

“Yo, Devon!”

Everyone turned and spotted Michael, now dry and looking very refreshed. “What's up with the stuff?”

“They got Kitt something.” Bonnie answered. She smiled and turned to Kitt. “Do you want to have them opened now, Kitt? Or wait until everything is done with?”

“Um...” Kitt said quietly. “Now would be OK.”

“Who do you want to do the honors?”

“RC and Devon can do it.” Kitt answered, a little brighter.

“All right.” Devon said. “RC, you go first.”

The young man nodded. “OK, hold on a second.” He pulled out his pocketknife and slit the tape on the top of the box.

“Ten minutes People.” Someone announced. RC glanced up and back at the mass of team workers before popping the last of the tape off.

Michael and Bonnie crowded in close and Janet had appeared, joining them.

RC reached in and pulled out a seat cover with zigzag wildcat prints. “This, Kitt, old buddy, is to complement your new engine.” He gave it a shake to fluff it up. “You'll purr like a kitten and roar like a tiger.”

“Thank you.” Kitt said a little awed.

“You'll have to keep that clean, Michael.” Bonnie said. “No drive in food stains OK?”

“Actually I have something for that.” Devon said before Michael could try to defend himself.

“What is it?” Janet asked.

Devon opened the bag and held up some scotch guard. “Thinking ahead saves many disasters from happening.”

“Dude.” RC said. “There is a reason you are in charge of FLAG.”

The humans laughed, some nervously, in an attempt to ease the mounting tension. It didn't help Kitt, though. As two more large power tools were taken through the doors, he felt more fear swell though him.

“Kitt.” Bonnie said cutting through to him. “I'm going to take these to the semi. Is that all right with you?”

“Yes.” Kitt replied.

Bonnie smiled and took Devon's arm as she left, speaking to him in a quiet low voice.

“Well, Kitt, what is the first thing you want to do when you get back on the road?” RC asked.

“Well...” He struggled to think about the question for a second. “I'd love to cruise the beach.”

Michael smiled and patted Kitt. “Consider it done.”

“Kitt?” Janet said softly. She stepped up between Michael and RC in a gentle, yet commanding way. “It’s about time I started running some small tests. Do you want me to help you relax?”

Kitt hesitated before answering. “That would be nice.”

She smiled and opened the passenger side door. “Hold on a second, OK?”

“OK.” Kitt replied, troubled. Michael reached down and rubbed Kitt's prow.

“It's OK, pal.”

RC coughed and folded his arms. “There anything I can do for ya' Kitt?”

“No.” Kitt replied. “But thank you.”

RC nodded.

There was a long moment of silence amidst the clamoring of preparations.

“Five minutes, people.” The voice chimed.

Kitt whimpered. He couldn't help it now. As hard as he had fought against it, the terror had taken hold of him.

“Kitt, it's going to be OK.” Michael said as soothingly as he could.

“Are you sure?” He asked.

Janet smiled and put a floppy into the drive Bonnie had added. “Kitt, listen to me, OK?”


“You will wake up.” She brought up the prompt commands and started to work.

“Are you sure?” Kitt asked. He could now see Bonnie and Devon returning briskly.

“Positive.” Janet replied as she entered a code.

“Hey, how much time left until they are ready?” Bonnie asked when she approached.

“About four minutes.” Michael glanced over at the busy assembly of teams.

Kitt suddenly hissed softly. Everyone turned to Janet.

“What happened?” Devon asked.

Janet pulled herself out of the cabin and stood up. “I have activated a program that should keep his emotional state balanced.”

“And that means...?” RC asked.

“She gave him something to calm his nerves.” Bonnie answered. “How is it working, Kitt?”

There was a long silence before Kitt answered. He could feel the panic sliding away and his tense worry start to melt. All at once a small feathery tingling flowed over him. “I feel better.” His voice was a little thick, but calm.

“Two minutes, people!”

Bonnie cleared her throat and looked at the small group around her and Kitt. “You guys have to move. We need to get him onto the dolly now.”

Michael, RC and Devon all stood back as the gray team approached.

“Kitt.” Janet said. “We are going to hook a winch up to your bumper and pull you onto the dolly. OK?”


Kitt felt the strong steady hands of the men and women in the gray team as they felt for the right spots to attach the cables. In seconds they were done.

“On three.” Bonnie said as she stepped back to get the best view.

The gray team nodded and took positions on the pulls.

“Kitt, you'll feel a little bump, but that's to be expected.” Janet announced. Then she nodded to Bonnie.

“OK, One... Two ... Three.”

The team pulled as hard as they could and Kitt slid into the dolly bed.

“All clear?” Bonnie asked.

“Clear.” The team leader replied. They walked back and positioned themselves on ‘stand by’.

“OK, Kitt, we’re moving you to the clean room in one minute.” Janet said quietly.


Kitt's partner walked up to him and gave him a pat. “I'm here. I'll be here the whole time. And I'll be here when you come back out.”

“Really?” He asked. Now his voice had become heavy.

“Yeah, pal. I'll be right here.”

“As will we, Kitt.” Devon said.

“Me too.” RC added.

“Ready, Kitt?” Bonnie asked.

“No, not really.” He mumbled.

Michael reached out and set his hand on the top. “Remember, Kitt, as soon as you're given the all clear, we have a beach to cruse.”

“I remember.”

Bonnie glanced at her watch and cleared her throat. “We have to go now.”

“Later, pal.” Michael stepped back and forced a smile.

“Kitt gave his partner a long look over as the scooter was started up. “Take care.”

“That's my line to Bonnie.” Michael replied. The scooter jerked forward and Michael gave Kitt thumbs up. A moment later, two doors swung shut and Kitt was in the hall.

It was a very short hall, but it seemed to take forever to travel down. The whole time Bonnie was beside him, her hand resting on his open passenger side window. When they came to the clean room, Kitt gave it a good look over. All the equipment was set up around the walls. Off to one side, something lay on a table with a sheet over it.



“What is that thing? The thing that's covered on the table?”

Bonnie and Janet gave each other a small smile. “That's your new engine. Do you want to see it?”

Kitt eyed the object as two teams came into the room. “Yes. May I?”

“Sure.” Bonnie walked over and pulled the sheet up. The metal was brilliantly shiny and silver. It was dazzling in Kitt's now hazy vision.

“Do you like it?” Janet asked.


Another team entered and Kitt's hood was opened.

Kitt's attention was instantly on them. “What's happening?”

“We are setting up to measure you, Kitt. I told you all about this.” Bonnie replied. She let the sheet back down and walked over to Kitt's side. “I brought a tape player, do you want to listen to anything while we set up?”

“Yes, that would be nice.” Kitt watched as a fourth team entered and stood out of the way.

“What would you like to hear?”

“You pick. Just make sure it's a classic.”

Bonnie nodded and stood up straight. “Kitt, I have to go to work now, so Janet will be taking over.”

“OK.” He felt Janet slide in to his passenger side. He turned his attention to her. She had an armful of machines and floppies.

“Kitt, in just a few seconds, you will get very sleepy. Don't fight it. I'll be able to wake you up and talk to you when I need to and you can help me and Bonnie put your new engine in, but when this is all over you won’t remember a thing.”

“I understand.”

Somewhere, through all the noise, a soft Mozart melody started to fill the air. Janet took the first disk she had given Kitt out and placed a second one in. After she entered a code, Kitt felt as if suddenly he was five tons heavier than he had been a moment before.

“Can you feel that?” She asked.

“Yes.” He whispered, unable to do more. In front of him, he could see Bonnie giving directions. Three very bright lights were turned on and one of the teams started to pull tools into Kitt's prow.

“Kitt.” Janet's voice was far way... In some other time and place... echoing down to Kitt.


“You'll wake up, remember that.”

“I'll… remember...” The bright lights faded taking the music with them. With one last look at Bonnie, Kitt welcomed the soothing darkness of sleep.

It was finally going to be over.