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More pics of the lovely Sylvia


awwwwwwe how cute, there are 5 pics above not just one huge one.


??????? sexy or not, you decide :D


Here is something she sent me and I personally think it is beautiful



Star in the Heavens


A solitary star in the heavens shines down on my crying face. I sit on the steps that hold such precious memories. Together we sat here looking at this very star…That night was lit up by many stars and the moon but the only light tonight is from that one beautiful star in the heavens. It is the only one out but it lights up the night sky so beautifully as I stare at it. And as the star grows brighter with every second a warm feeling comes over my body and at once I know that you are too looking at that very star. We are thousands of miles apart but I feel as though you are next to me again.

I am in your arms and you are whispering the words "I love you" in my ear…The wind blows harder all around me and the words fade into the silent night. As strong as the wind blows it cannot take away the warmth that I feel. For the warmth is not from anything material it is from the depths of my heart and soul. Nothing and no one can take away that feeling, because it is forever engrained in my heart. As I stand to leave I look up at the star in the heavens and I smile because I know that no matter how far apart we may be together forever in each others hearts will always be.


