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Disclaimer: The characters in Gundam Wing belong to Sunrise and Sotsu Agency and a bunch of other people that are not me.
//...// song lyrics
“...” dialog
/.../ character thoughts
[...] portions of story


//If we burn our wings
flying too close to the sun//>

[There is a brilliant flash of light and sound, and then all that’s left of Wing Gundam is a heap of charred wreckage. There is a boy of about fifteen, who is laying on the ground, unblinking and bleeding.]

//If the moment of glory
is over before it’s begun//

[Heero gapes at the newscast that informs him of the death of the Alliance’s leading pacifist. “What have I done?”]

[A braided boy in handcuffs is lead away by an Oz officer. A crowd of onlookers throws anything that they can find at him: trash, food, old shoes. A sharp piece of metal strikes his face and makes a deep scratch below his right eye. He looks up, sad and defeated.]

//If the dream is won,
Though everything is lost//

[“Are you lost?” A little girl asks, then hands him a flower.]

[Heero awakens from a nightmare and stares out the window at the starry sky. He still sees the little girl in his dreams, waiting for peace.]

//We will pay the price,
But we will not count the cost//

[Trowa looks down on his scarred hands, then takes the controls of Gundam Heavyarm and faces another day.]

//When the dust has cleared,
And victory denied//

[“Even in death he haunts me.” Wufei tells himself in the mirror. “Killing Treize was the right thing to do...but I can’t get it out of my head.]

//A summit too lofty,
River a little too wide//

[/You cry all the time. Stop it Quatre! Stop crying!/ He sniffs and wipes his nose on this sleeve. /Trowa’s gone and it’s all your fault. So stop crying./]

//If we keep our pride
Though paradise is lost//

[Duo shakes his head, clearing away his defeated expression. Even though blood was streaming down his face, he holds his head up and looks straight at the angry crowd, not at the ground.]

//We will pay the price,
But we will not count the cost//

[Beginning a freefall towards Earth, Heero attempts to aim his beam rifle at the falling chunk of Libra. /If I die now, so does the rest of humanity. Ironic that after so many years, they’ll finally care what happens to me. After being beaten down for so many years...I could just call it quits right here and now...and everything would finally be over.../ The twin red circles on his viewing screen overlap and turn green. There is a pause. “I will survive!” He yells, and then fires.]

//And if the music stops
And there’s only the sound of rain,//

[Wufei watches helplessly as his colony goes up in flames. /Am I so weak that every single person living there had to die to make me stronger? Can’t I even protect my home?/]

//All the hope and glory,
All the sacrifice in vain//

[“Father!!!” /He didn’t deserve that./ Quatre thinks as he clutches his head in his hand. /You know he didn’t deserve that. But I’ll make sure that you pay for what just happened...all of you... just wait.../]

//If love remains-
Though everything is lost
We will pay the price,
but we will not count the cost.//

[“That’s not the Quatre I know!” Somehow the words reach him. And suddenly, the war doesn’t matter, not if there’s Trowa.]

[/Duo, you made me want to live. I would have happily died, but if you’re there for me, what else really matters?/]

[Sally smiles and pulls a blanket over the slumbering Wufei. “The boy can save the world, but he can’t even take care of himself.” She chuckles softly and kisses his forehead.]

And if love remains....

“Bravado” by Rush

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