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One Moment In Time

Written by Rekka

Disclaimer: No, I do not own any of the bishounen (drooool) of Gundam Wing, because if I did, you can bet that I wouldn’t spend my time writing fanfics, heheheh.

Warning: This does contain shounen-ai, which means, boy’s love, so in other words, there are gay people in it. If you have a problem with this, read no further, and don’t flame me, ‘cuz I warned you. This also contains large amounts of sap, so if you read it the entire thing, be it only two pages long, you probably won’t have a tooth left in your head.


Duo cradled Heero’s head in his lap. The Japanese pilot stirred in his sleep, murmuring softly.

“So even you get tired, eh Heero?” Duo smiled down at him. It was funny, in sleep, all the harshness faded from his face, leaving an innocent countenance, much like a child’s. Sometimes Duo liked to pretend that they were just ordinary people living ordinary lives instead of the terrorists that they were. At times like this, it was easy to forget about the war, about the gundams, but mostly, just about the rest of the world.

Duo leaned back, watching the sunset. He wished that Heero were awake to see it with him, but he needed to get some sleep once in a while. Sometimes, he worried about Heero, the way he spread himself so thin, the way he was so completely selfless. Duo smiled, full of pride for the strange and wonderful being that his lover was.

“That’s right, Heero, I’m proud of you.” He said, more out of the need to hear someone’s voice than anything else. “The way you can carry on and be so strong. For me. For both of us. And listen to me, sitting here talking to myself about you. I should just wake you up so you can hear me say it all. You’d probably just be all quiet and give me that weird look of yours. Actually, I think it’s cute the way that you look at me when you don’t really say anything. You’ve got pretty eyes. Not badly built either.” Duo was silent for a bit. “My lady-killer, that’s what you are. Heaven knows you’ve got Relena chasing after you all the time...” His voice trailed off.

“Why’d you have to go and talk about Relena? I was having such a nice time.” Duo jerked as he heard Heero’s voice.

“Ya know, I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to the way you can just lie there like that. Didn’t you sleep at all?”

“A little bit.” Heero pulled himself up beside Duo. “Please, keep talking like that.” Duo blinked, he hadn’t thought that he would ever see the day when Heero would ask him to talk to him. But he wasn’t about to complain.

“Mmm, let’s see....Deathscythe needs a little cleaning, I don’t want to do it, it takes forever....why can’t they just make car washes for gundams? It’s just not fair, ‘cus then I have to go and work my ass off just to keep my mech cleaned, while all the normal people can just take a bucket and some suds. But nooooooo, i have to drain a fuckin’ lake. And-”

“No,” Heero interrupted, “not talk about that stuff, talk....” He fumbled for a few seconds. “Talk like you were doing before.”

Duo sighed. He felt strange pouring his heart out when Heero was awake. It wasn’t really like that between them. Heero knew that Duo loved him, and Duo knew that Heero loved him, and it had always been enough, just that knowing. But hey, if Heero wanted to hear it, he could always give it a shot.

“Did you ever think about how strange it is, that two people just meet? I mean there are like, what, ten billion of us here on earth and out of those, just two people meeting and finding each other. What if I had met someone else and you had met someone else. Would we be happy with those people, or would we be miserable, knowing that somewhere out there, there was another, better person for us. How did we even meet? There were so many odds and variables, that it seems odd that I could meet someone like you and fall in love like this.”

There. He had said it. “And odder yet-is that even a word, odder? Anyways- is that we’ve survived this terrible war, and here we are watching the sunset. What if we had been the ones that had died Heero? Answer that. What if we were dead and there were some other people sitting here watching the sunset? Or if just one of us had died? What would you do if I died Heero? What would you do?”

Duo stopped talking abruptly, afraid of the answer to his question. There was none. He turned to see if Heero actually had dozed off. His eyes were shut, but there were tears running down his face.

“Don’t ever say that, don’t you dare die on me.” Heero clenched his fist and continued. “That’s the only thing that I’m afraid of, that I’d come home one day, you wouldn’t be there and I’d find out that your mission had failed and you were dead, and you never knew-” he broke off, gasping, “Do you think this is easy for me to say?”
Duo shook his head, knowing the effort that it must take for Heero to open himself up like this. “And you’d never know...never know.....” There was a long silence. Duo had given up on a reply and was getting ready to get up when he heard a low “You’d never know how much I love you.” Time stood still. Then, Duo turned and grabbed Heero around the waist, burying his face in the much-worn green tank top.

“ I do know, and I love you, too. More and more and more. So don’t you die on me either.” Heero panicked momentarily, he had no idea how to proceed from here. None of his training had ever prepared him for interaction with another human being. He swallowed, then followed his gut instinct. He bent over and wrapped his arms around Duo, or rather Duo’s head, hanging protectively onto the braid.

“Shhhhh, don’t cry. Neither of us are going to die anytime soon. Just appreciate the fact that both of us are here, right now, and we can worry about tomorrow when it comes.” Duo lifted his head, grinning wickedly through his tears and ripped off Heero’s tank top. “What are you doing?” Heero asked, somewhat alarmed.

“Taking advantage of the moment”


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