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I've added a second page to the Downloadables. Here's just some cool stuff I found on the web. I kinda wanted to label it 'miscellaneous junk' but, you know me. If the glove fits... enjoy! The calcs are zipped and YOU NEED WINZIP OR ANY UNZIP TYPE PROGRAM TO DOWNLOAD THEM. These aren't mine. Never were, never are, and probably will never be.


Heero Calculator: Oh, so kawaii! A must-have for any Heero fan. (not actual size--larger)

Duo Calculator: Even kawaii-er! Duo fans rejoice! His voice is just so sweet; I could eat him up. (not actual size--larger)

Trowa Calculator: In my opinion, Trowa has a really nice talking voice. Now as far as singing goes... (not actual size--larger)

Quatre Calculator: Appearing courtesy of Tea-chan! Domo arigato for the contribution! This calc is the most adorable yet. It's Quatre Adorable Raberba Winner!

I'm looking around for one more calc to complete the G-Boy collection, so if any of you good folks out there have a Wufei calculator in your possession, I'd be more than happy to give you full credit for letting me post it!

If there's any problems downloading (such as a broken link) email me. If it's a technical problem, pleasepleaseplease try to figure it out on your own before emailing me, pretty please? If you've tried everything and you're still stumped, drop me a line and I'll do my best to help!

Page II of the Downloadables

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