Ooh, I love this thing! 1x2x1 all the way, baby! Isn't it beautiful?
Anywho, this is version whatever of Borrowed Time, GR4Y. Yes, I'm way obsessed with grayscale.
I'm very, very sorry it took so long for me to get back to this site! I promise, I'll try harder to keep up with it in the future! I've even dropped a few of my other sites in favor of maintaining this one, so hopefully I can get it back up to speed.
Well, as you may have guessed from the layout, we here at Borrowed Time are part of the fanbase that supports a lasting relationship of love and mutual respect between Heero Yuy and Duo Maxwell of the anime Gundam Wing.
We do not hate Relena.
This site is not a Relena-bashing center, nor is it a gathing of slack-jawed yaoi freaks who have nothing better to do than pair up incompatible fictional characters. We are a dedicated, reasonably intelligent collective of fans, and we don't appreciate flames.
That being said, I would like to ask all flaming idiots to direct their comments to either the guestbook or myself. Trust me, you'll get the attention you so desperately crave.
New layout, and hopefully a renewed interest in the site.
New page up.
As far as I know, there has been no official statement confirming the pairing this site supports, nor has there been any kind of deal in which any member of this site has acquired the rights to Gundam Wing. We're just here to have fun. We make no profit through this site, nor are we trying to scam anyone. As far as I can see, we aren't breaking any laws, so please don't harass any of us.
Thank you.