Battlefielf of Pacifists - Part 1
Title: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing -Battlefield of Pacifists
Part: 1/5
Original Art by Koichi Tokita
Story by Hajime Yadate & Yoshiyuki Tomino
Scenario by Katsuhiko Chiba
Fanfiction by Gwynn Whitelock
Disclaimer: See the guys with the Japanese names? They own it. Me, I just used what they wrote and described it in fanfic format. It's probably illegal...
Warnings: Violence, angst, shonen ai (in my biased opinion...), spoiler for the manga BofP (duh), hypnotized Quatre, Trowa in a bathrobe (yum...), Wufei and Dorothy that think spookily alike...
Pairings: R+1 (slight), 1+2+1 (slightly more obvious), 3+4+3 (damn obvious...), S+5 (fairly obvious).
Summary: High ho, it's another story of events between the series and EW, except this one is the most official and in my personal opinion, the most likely. Relena continues her campaign against disarmament, with some help from Heero and Duo, while Quatre goes to space to investigate the rumour of a Mobile Suit factory known as Vulkanus. Wufei is no where to be found... or is he?
December 24, A.C. 195
Conclusion of the "Eve Wars"
???: The Libra's on a collision course with Earth! We're too late!
Heero: Not if I can help it... the destruction ends here! *shoots Libra, it goes boom*
Duo?: Heero, you did it! You stopped Libra! Earth is saved!
Relena: Heero...
Heero: Mission accomplished.
Narrator: And so the Gundam boys, trained to be soldiers of war, became agents of pacifism. And for the first time since the colonies were formed, there was peace on Earth.
Author's observation on the two-page illustration: Relena, step AWAY from the Heero! Prowr Duo, you look good in that... Trowa, have you been raiding Quatre's closet again? Hey, it's the outfit from the end of the graphic novel! Quat, you look good in white... Wufei, where are you going? Ooh, ass shot...
Narrator: The United Earth Sphere Nation was formed to create a permanent peace between Earth and the colonies. But the road to disarmament was not without it's problems. Although humans renounced large weapons after the war, there were some who refused to lay down their arms.
Texas, North America
Narrator: The U.E.S.N. policed the suspects but the elimination of black market weapons was a difficult task.
Man 1: Welcome to O-Star Industries. As you can see, we've refitted our assembly lines for the production of agricultural vehicles. No Mobile Suits. Not even a tank, your majesty... I mean, Vice-Minister Darlian.
Relena: What about research facilities? I heard that your company used to develop advanced MS?
Man 2: We provided the military with the new MS in the past, but since the armistice, we've shut down all the facilities.
Relena: Let me take a look.
Man 2: *twitches* How can we show you what we don't have?
Relena: Then, I'd like to meet with the former MS researchers and engineers.
Man 2: *exchanges a look with Man 1* The development team is this way!
Relena's Cute Assistant: You're being too mild, Relena! Let's check all the facilities.
Relena: It's too early for that.
Relena's Cute Assistant: But...
Relena: We can't force it. We must make them understand that there is no need for weapons.
Explosion: *blaam*
Relena: !!
Man 2?: What's that?
Relena: Sounds like something exploded underground.
Man 2: !!
Man 1: Oh no!
Relena: *looks unimpressed*
Explosions: *boom* *crash*
Man 1?: It's the underground factory...
Explosions: *boom* *fwsssshh* *fwboom*
Heero: The production line is destroyed. *points the gun at the MS's head, hit the trigger and jumps out* *smiles* *runs down the hall* !! *kacheck* *draws gun*
Duo: Yo, Heero, chill! I already erased the computer data. Let's blow this joint, shall we?
Heero: *smiles* ...
Building: *pretty much falls apart*
Man 1: What the...!
Man 2: Our production facility...
Relena: Inform the U.E.S.N. O-Star is under immediate suspension!
Relena's Cute Assistant: Yes, madam!
Man 1: *twitches* You did this, eh?! (AN: please, no comments about Canadians....)
Relena: No. We are trying to stop violence, and we would never commit it ourselves.
Man 2: Then who's responsible?!
Relena: Some people must feel more strongly about the need for disarmament. *thinks* I wonder...
Driving away from O-Star industries
Duo: Heero, did you know Relena was at the factory?
Heero: ......
Duo: I guess you did.
Heero: I tried not to get in her way.
Duo: They won't be making Mobile Suits there again! Do you keep in touch?
Heero: With who?
Duo: Relena, of course.
Heero: No.
Duo: She's gonna forget about you, man.
Heero: Why'd you come down from space?
Duo: Oh, you know.
Heero: Got into a fight?
Duo: *surprised* No! What makes you say that?!
Heero. Fine. Trowa and Quatre are doing okay?
Duo: What?! Oh, those guys...
Heero: Hm? Who'd you think I was talking about?
Duo: Uh... never mind.
At a restaurant
Duo: Space doesn't need the three of us. *munches on a sandwich* I left Trowa and Quatre behind.
Heero: Wufei's not with you?
Duo: I thought he'd be with you!
Heero: That's just like him.
Duo: He must be up to the same thing as us. So, who's the next target?
Heero: It's easy to check the companies that made weapons before. We have to look for the newcomers.
Duo: They just don't get it... holding onto guns.
Heero: The war affected people, but the Earth and the colonies still don't trust each other.
Duo: Did you hear the rumour?
Heero: About Vulkanus?
Duo: Yup. Any idea who started it?
Narrator: An unmanned OZ factory called Vulkanus exists in perfect shape somewhere in space.
Duo (cont): It might be just a rumour, but Quatre's looking into it. But... what?
Heero: Some colonists are already organizing against the U.E.S.N.
Duo: Oh, them. They're annoying.
Heero: Who are they, Ex-OZ?
Duo: No. Pacifists. The guys who want Perfect Peace.
Heero: What's wrong with that?
Duo: Their definition of peace is... Oh, forget it. Let's find a motel.
L3-8253 Colony Port
Quatre: I'm going now. (AN: Quatre, what shiny eyes you have...)
Trowa: You're not taking Sandrock?
Quatre: Why? It's just a rumour. I'll prove that there's no Vulkanus.
Trowa: *smiling* Don't forget to watch your back.
Quatre: Sure thing, Trowa.
Protesters: Give up all weapons!
Quatre & Trowa: *turn to look*
Protesters: We don't need Gundam! We'll do whatever it takes to prevent war from starting again! Large ships could be used as battleships!
Police: Hey, stop it!
Protesters: Operational MS are dangerous!
Police: Back off!
Protesters: Eliminate danger for a perfect peace!
Trowa: It's those Perfect Peace People. They're taking it too far.
Quatre: They are supporting peace and disarmament, though...
Trowa: They'll be trouble if they push their ideas on Earth. I'll check em out.
Quatre: Okay. *big, shiny smile* Bye.
Shuttle: *takes off*
Trowa: *watching through a view port* Take care, Quatre.
Airport on Earth:
Duo: Take it easy. I'll stay here and work.
Heero: Okay. I'll check out Europe.
Duo: That's Romefeller country. Give me a buzz if something's up.
Heero: Don't worry. I've been there before.
Duo: Cool. Bye. It's been good talking to you.
Heero: *smiles to himself* Heh.
Duo: *watches plane take off*
In a dark room somewhere...
Person 1. Is that him? Gimme the light.
Light: *flash*
Person 2: Now, tell us what you know about us.
Wufei: Nothing. (AN: Wufei is currently tied to a chair with rope)
Person 2: The why did you approach us?!
Wufei: I thought maybe you have information on Vulkanus.
Person 2: !!
Person 1: What's it to you?!
Wufei: If it exists, I'll help you.
Person 1: What?!
Wufei: *pulls his arms from behind his back* You didn't here? If Vulkanus exists... *stands, an the ropes around his wrists are broken*... I'll help you!
In space, where no one can here you scream for help...
Quatre to recorder: GMO 3000, reporting. I'm approaching the resource satellite SAW2. Wait for further reports.
Shuttle: *flash flash* (AN: I'm not sure what it's doing).
Radar board: *peep* *peep*
Quatre: What's this? *releases something* !! What the...?!
In Space: *two MDs approach*
Quatre: Mobile Dolls, Virgos?!
to be continued...
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On to Battlefield of Pacifists Part 2