Class Act

Title: Class Act
Author: Gwynn
Disclaimer: It's not mine! But I own my storylines, not that anyone would want 'em!
Warnings: shonen ai, AU, some drama, probably OOC
Pairing: 3+4+3
Note/Summary: Quatre visits a circus for a class assignment and meets a handsome young clown. Now that Quatre returns to school, that clown is in his class! Together they must prepare a 'class act' for the other year, and Quatre must learn to trust his clown...

"Hey! This isn't a half-bad assignment, ne Q-man," said Duo over the various noises that came with a travelling circus.

"I guess so," Quatre said quietly, looking around. He had never seen a place so lively and bright. It was very different from the sombre tones and music of his home. Even the controlled chaos of the school he went to was at a dull roar compared to what he was used to.

"Duo! Look over there! It's a fortune telling booth!" shouted Hilde from the other side of Duo. Quatre winced. She hauled a protesting Duo in that general direction, leaving Quatre in the flow of the crowd.

"Oh heck," Quatre muttered. He searched for a safe route away from the crowds and found none. He was still looking when a set of deep emerald eyes caught his attention. They locked onto his own aquamarine eyes and held. Quatre stopped breathing. Then, with a turn of a head, they were gone. Quatre came back to life in that instant and started forward. After being jostled between a number of people, he completely lost the set of eyes and the person they were attached to.

"Well, great," Quatre griped quietly and he took a step forward. His foot met with something light. He bent down and picked it up. It was a half mask painted in the concept of a clown.

Quatre stared at the empty eye hole and could see an emerald eye, as if a kind of ghost. He knew instinctively that this belonged to the person he was looking for. He looked at the mask a long, long time, trying to imagine what the person might have looked like.

"Hey! You there! Where did you get that?!" yelled an angry, feminine voice. Quatre looked up to see a young woman charging forward, grey eyes blazing. Quatre took an unconscious step back.

"I-I found it on the ground. Someone must have dropped it," he said, holding out the mask.

"Oh. Well then," she said. She smiled a little and looked much calmer. She took the mask and brushed her fingers over it. "This belongs to one of our performers." Quatre noted that she was already in costume.

"Oh, okay," Quatre said softly. She nodded and turned away. Quatre caught a glimpse of emerald eyes from where she was headed and started forward.

"Did you want something?" she asked. Quatre stopped.

"Nono," he said hastily.

"Alright then," she said. She went into a tent, and the eyes disappeared.

"Hey Q-man, what's up?" Duo asked, slinging an arm around Quatre.

"Nothing," said Quatre, still staring.

"Trowa! Trowa! I found your mask, you dropped it, silly." Catherine dropped the mask in Trowa's lap, startling him.

"Oh, where was it?" Trowa asked.

"On the ground, some kid had it," Catherine said casually. Trowa realised it wasn't 'some kid' but the boy he'd seen. Well, he'd been staring, really. His eyes were... they were so blue and beautiful like a clear summer sky. Trowa shook his head at his musings. He was getting sappy from reading too many of the romantic poets.

"Are you ready for the performance?" the Ringmaster called. Trowa looked up and nodded.

Duo, Hilde and Quatre took their seats and waited until the lights were dimmed. The music started and the show commenced. The three watched in rapture as the glittering, spandex-clad performers put on the show. Quatre squinted and took notes diligently. Duo sat back as Hilde gripped his arm and pointed out this cute performer and that.

"And now, for our final act, may I present Catherine Bloom and Trowa Barton for our knife throwing display."

A young woman in a pink and wine red dress came out and bowed. A second person, a young man in a clown's costume flipped over her head and landed in a graceful bow a few feet in front of him.

That's him! Quatre thought, standing to get a better look. His notebook slipped off his lap and tumbled over the crowd.

The clown flipped over and over again until he reached the side where Quatre sat. He neatly caught the notebook seconds before it would have hit the ground.

The clown looked up at Quatre and Quatre stopped breathing.

"All autographs will take place after the show," the Ringmaster boomed. The crowd laughed as Quatre sank into his seat, cheeks burning. Duo handed Quatre back his pen.

"Calm down, it wasn't that bad," Duo soothed.

"Calm down, right," said Quatre.

"Hey, and you can get your notebook after the show, right?" said Hilde.

"Right," Quatre repeated. The clown was standing on a platform, being strapped to the target. He had tucked the notebook into his suspenders. It was then Quatre noted that he wasn't wearing a shirt and was very muscular. "I could fall for that clown," sighed Hilde. Duo snorted.

Me too, thought Quatre. Once the clown was secure, the knife thrower aimed and threw the first knife. Quatre closed his eyes and looked away. There was a dull *thunk* and Quatre looked. A knife was implanted inches from his right wrist. The crowd cheered.

"Did you see that!?" Duo yelled. Hilde clapped with delight. "That guy's got nerves of steel!"

But they weren't done yet. Two more knives flew, planting themselves near his left wrist. Another knife appeared by his right wrist. Each time Quatre couldn't look. The knife thrower raised a hand, and another clown brought out a blindfold and tied it around her eyes. She brandished two knives. She threw one, twirled and threw the other. The crowd gasped as they landed a mere inch away from his head on either side.

"Is he still alive?" Quatre gasped from behind his fingers.

"Yeah buddy, he's brave, just standing there like that!" Duo said, clapping with Hilde.

The clown was assisted down and performed several flips until he reached centre stage. The knife thrower removed her blindfold and back flipped towards the clown. They took their bows and the clown saluted with the still-intact notebook.

"That was amazing!" Hilde crowed as they left the circus. Quatre started walking towards the tent that he'd seen the knife thrower go into earlier.

"Great show, Catherine and Trowa," Quatre heard the Ringmaster say as he slipped into the tent. He looked around, somewhat nervous.

"Looking for someone?" a soft voice said by his ear. Quatre spun to see the clown standing behind him.

"Ahm, yeah..." Quatre said uncertainly. The clown smiled slightly.

"I'm Trowa, and you?" he asked, offering his hand.

"Quatre Winner," Quatre managed. He offered the young clown his hand.

"I believe this is yours," the clown- Trowa- said. He held out the notebook with his other hand. Quatre took the notebook.

"Thank you," Quatre said softly. Trowa smiled a little more.

"School project?" he inquired, nodding at the notebook.

"Yes, we were supposed to write down what we observed at the circus," Quatre said. He hasn't let go of my hand! he thought excitedly, feeling a flush rising.

"And what did you observe?" Trowa asked softly.

"I-" Quatre started when the knife thrower walked up to them.

"Who's this?" she demanded.

"This is Quatre, and he dropped something," Trowa stated mildly. He pointed at the notebook Quatre was crushing.

"Oh. Trowa, we need you. So hurry up!" she said, walking off.

"Okay Cathy." He lifted Quatre's hand, put it to his lips and kissed it gently. "This is good bye, then."

Quatre couldn't speak or move. Trowa gently released his hand and walked off.

"Quatre there you are, the bus is about to leave!" Hilde exclaimed. Duo grabbed Quatre's wrist and pulled him out of the tent. There was a soft chuckle as the blond boy was dragged away by his friends.

"Trowa, that was the last show before we stop touring. We're probably going to stay here until the summer," said Catherine, plunking a plate in front of him. Trowa began picking at it, thinking of the boy he'd met as he pushed the food from one side to the other.

"Is there something wrong?" Catherine asked, concerned.

"No, there's nothing wrong," Trowa said quietly, picking up a piece of food.

"Trowa, we were thinking. You're still really young to be in the circus. And you really haven't had the chance to really go to school and be a normal kid.

"Trowa, we think it's best if you went to a local school until summer ends. I'm sure your tutor could find out about it. What do you think?" Catherine looked anxious.

"School. Here? Yeah, that'd be okay," Trowa said, not really thinking. He paused, remembering that Quatre's project was in that little notebook. "In fact, that would be great."

"Wonderful! I'll let Mr. Chang[1] know and you can start tomorrow, even." Catherine beamed at him. "But first, eat your dinner."

"Today class, I would like to introduce a new student," said the teacher as the students settled down. Quatre looked straight ahead, neatly folding his hands on his desk. The teacher gestured to a figure just outside the classroom. "This is Trowa Barton, he will be finishing the year with us." Quatre blinked as the tall boy nodded to the class. He was wearing a green turtleneck and jeans, and his bang was still covering half of his face.

"Hey, isn't that-" Hilde started.

"Mr. Barton, please sit beside Quatre Winner in the third row. He will be your student guide." Trowa nodded and went to sit beside Quatre.

Quatre could feel a blush creeping up his cheeks.

"So, we meet again," Trowa said softly. Quatre nodded, the blush darkening. The teacher cleared her throat and continued.

"Okay class, please hand in your projects. Trowa, you weren't here but-" Trowa handed the teacher a neatly typed paper.

"I knew that this was your last project and decided to complete it myself," Trowa said quietly. The teacher looked shocked but accepted it.

"Our next project will be your final assignment. You will be in groups of two and work on acts you saw at the circus. You will present on the last day before exams in June. Good luck."

The class was abuzz with excitement. Hilde and Duo were already discussing excitedly the prospect of 'taming a wild tiger'- Hilde's giant marmalade cat Tigger. Heero- who hadn't been at the circus because he was severely allergic to hay- had been practically pounced on by Relena who shared his allergy and gymnastics class to perform a routine. Trowa turned to Quatre who was staring intently at his fingers.

"Do you want to work with me?" Trowa asked. Quatre looked up and nodded vigorously.

"Yes!" he said and flushed. "I mean... sure." Trowa smiled slightly and Quatre felt his brain melt.

"Great. I think we can pull off the knife throwing act-" Trowa stopped when he saw the look of horror on Quatre's face.

"It's really easy," Trowa said later. Quatre looked from the target to Trowa and back again and shook his head. "You have nothing to be afraid of. I won't hit you," Trowa said soothingly. Quatre shook his head again.

"I can't do this," Quatre said clearly. Trowa smiled at him. Quatre's mind froze long enough for Trowa to grab his wrist and pull him over to the target. Like he was a clay doll, Trowa pushed Quatre's wrists into the holders and snapped them shut. Quatre's eyes were wide with fear.

"Trust me," Trowa said and wound up for the first throw. Quatre closed his eyes and turned his head away. He waited and when he heard nothing, he gingerly opened one eye and then the other. Trowa hadn't thrown it at all. "This won't work unless you trust me," Trowa said. He unfastened Quatre's wrists and walked away towards the exit. Quatre closed his eyes in shame and rubbed his wrists.

"So, where did you go after school?" Quatre's father asked him at dinner. Quatre pushed the food around on his plate.

"The circus," he replied.

"I thought the season was over," his father said, taking a sip of his water.

"It is. We have a new school project."

"Oh?" his father said.

"We are supposed to perform circus acts. My partner is a circus performer."

"Then what's wrong?" his father asked.

"Nothing. I'm going to the range. Tell Duo I'm there when he comes over to do homework." Quatre stood and picked up his plate, placing it on the counter so a dishwasher could pick it up. He left the dining room and went downstairs, the familiar smell reassuring him. He pulled on a pair of goggles and hearing protectors then loaded his gun. He aimed at the target and unloaded, accuracy off at first, then getting more and more precise. He finished the clip and loaded another[2].

"Quatre, your friend is here," said a voice on the intercom.

"Send him down please," Quatre yelled and aimed at the target again. Quatre heard the door open and Quatre didn't look away from the target.

"Hey Duo. I have to tell you what happened after school today. I went to the circus with Trowa. He wants to do the knife throwing act. I trust him and everything, but the idea of knives being thrown at me, or even watching scares the heck out of me! I mean, what if he slipped?" Quatre finished the clip and turned to who he thought was Duo. Trowa was standing there with his hands over his ears.

"I'm not Duo," Trowa said, lowering his hands. Quatre blushed and took off his hearing protectors.

"I can see that. I was just expecting him..." Quatre removed the goggles then set the gun down to cool.

"I can understand that you'd be nervous about it. That's what practise is for. And as my sister said to me ‘It's okay if you act a little scared'." Trowa smiled at Quatre and lifted his chin to look him in the eyes. "So stop worrying about it already."

Quatre nodded. "I have to clean that," he said after a few long moments, pointing at the now cool gun. Trowa nodded and gave his chin a slight squeeze. He stepped back as Quatre sat on a bench and began cleaning the chambers of the gun and placed it on the rack.

"Do you want to do homework?" Quatre asked after a moment. Trowa hefted his backpack and nodded. Quatre smiled as they went upstairs together.

"Now, we are going to try again. Quatre, remember, you can trust me," Trowa said gently. Quatre nodded uncertainly. He walked over to the target and placed his wrists in the restraints. He locked eyes with Trowa and nodded slowly. Trowa wound up for the first throw. Quatre's heart raced and he closed his eyes as the knife hit. Sure enough, he was still alive. He opened one eye slowly.

"Am I still alive?" he asked tentatively. Trowa smiled.

"Sure are, unless you are a pretty corpse." Quatre shuddered.

"Don't joke about that," Quatre said sternly. Trowa nodded solemnly and crossed his eyes. Quatre erupted into giggles. Trowa soon began to laugh as well.

"I think we are done for today," Trowa said after a moment and walked over to Quatre, standing very close. His fingertips brushed over Quatre's wrists.

"Hey, are you going get me out of these?" Quatre managed. Trowa placed his lips next to Quatre's ear, warm breath brushing over Quatre's cheek.

"I might," he breathed. Quatre gulped and blushed. Trowa lifted Quatre's chin slightly and placed a soft kiss on the blond boy's lips. Quatre's eyes closed as he kissed back, straining against the restraints. Trowa stepped back a bit and released Quatre's wrists.

"Wow..." Quatre said, barely noticing that he was free.

"Are you always going to close your eyes like that? You miss so much," Trowa said huskily, wrapping his arms around Quatre.

Quatre buried his face in Trowa's neck.

"Miss Catherine, do you think our school could perform our end of term projects here at the circus?" Quatre asked as he helped Catherine feed the animals. She was dressed in a pink sweater and blue jeans. She puffed out a cloud of air, thinking.

"I'd have to ask the ringmaster, but I think we can-" A loud, panicked whinny sounded the air.

"What the-?" Quatre asked as Catherine went running towards the sound. He followed.

Inside one of the horse stalls, a horse was rearing and kicking while Trowa was pressed tightly in one corner. For the first time since Quatre'd known him, he looked afraid. Quatre stepped forward, into the stall.

"Whoa girl, calm down. Caaaalm down...." he muttered to the horse, catching it's bridle and forcing it's head down. It stopped rearing and stood still, shaking. "Doooon't panic...[3]"

Catherine made it to Trowa and pulled him out of the stall. He shook as Catherine hugged him and rubbed his back. Quatre removed an apple from his pocket and fed it to the horse until he could be sure it would be fine. He left the stall and shut the door firmly.

"Are you okay, Trowa?" he asked. Quatre gently approached Trowa and hugged him. "What happened?"

"Snow fell off the roof and she panicked," Trowa said softly, drawing strength from the blond boy. Quatre stroked his hair until he felt that Trowa was calm enough. It was at that point that Trowa realised what Quatre had done.

"You went into a stall with a panicking horse?! What are you, insane?" Trowa demanded. Quatre shook his head.

"You were in trouble, I couldn't very well let you get hurt. Don't scold me Trowa, I'm not afraid of horses."

"No, you're very brave," Trowa said, kissing the blond boy gently.

Catherine chuckled, breaking the two boys out of their reverie.

Quatre grabbed a tape recorder and his parka and went out to the range. He had recordings of his practice sessions with Trowa and he wanted to get this right. He slipped into to the range and set himself on one of the human shaped targets, turning the recorder on and turning it up full blast. He tried to stay still and look straight ahead as the sound of knives hitting a target board. He tried his hardest not to flinch, though it wasn't easy.

He spent an hour like that, then with shaky legs and wrecked nerves he returned to his room.

I'm never going to get this...

"Quatre, I want to show you something," Trowa said. Quatre gave the mare a final pat and trotted over to Trowa.

"Yes?" he asked. Trowa's eyes sparkled, though his face was as calm as ever. Trowa took Quatre's hand in his and brought him to the main arena. While most of the props from the circus were long in storage, there were two main metallic structures that held up the tent, each one third out from the long end of the tent. There were two platforms, one on each structure and were two thirds of the way up. Their were ladders leading up to them and three trapezes. Quatre looked up in awe.

"Wow..." Quatre commented.

"The view is better from up there," Trowa whispered into Quatre's ear, a light cloud puffing as he spoke. Quatre nodded and they climbed up the ladder, Trowa first, then Quatre.

They looked out from the platform. Quatre's eyes sparkled. "The view is amazing..." Quatre said. *drip*

"If the nets were up, I'd show you what it's like to fly," Trowa said. "There isn't anything like it." *drip drip drip*

"I'd like that..." Quatre said. *dripadripadripadrip* Quatre looked up and nearly got a drop of water in the eye. "Where is that coming from?" Quatre demanded, staring at the tent roof, turning in a circle.

"Tent must be leaking, we should get that fixed," Trowa commented. He noticed how close Quatre was to the edge and opened his mouth to warn him when Quatre slipped on the half frozen puddle and fell from the platform.

Trowa did not have time to think, just act. He grabbed Quatre's wrist and the blond boy nearly swung under the platform.

"Trowa, help me!" Quatre cried, well aware of how far down it was, the fact there was nothing to stop him from crashing into the cement floor if Trowa let go, and--

"Quatre, listen to me. Listen!" Trowa ordered. Quatre's eyes locked to Trowa's. "You are not going to fall, okay. You need to calm down so I can pull you up."

"Don't let me fall, Trowa," Quatre whimpered.[4]

"Quatre, I would never allow you to fall. Trust me." Quatre nodded and Trowa exhaled, then inhaled.

"Okay, stay very still and I'm going to pull you up," Trowa said. Quatre remained motionless, fear still very apparent in his eyes. Trowa exhaled slowly, then inhaled as he pulled Quatre up, backing up until his back hit the platform support. Quatre's knees hit the platform and he fell forward onto Trowa.

"You're okay... you're okay..." Trowa said soothingly, wrapping his arms around Quatre and stroking his hair. Quatre nestled as close to Trowa as possible.

"You didn't let me fall..." Quatre said softly.

"I would never let you fall."

It was nearly May before Quatre walked into the circus tent. Trowa had been afraid that he'd never see Quatre outside of school. It had been a very lonely month with only brief, furtive glances at the blond boy.

The day was bright and sunny, with just the right amount of clouds and wind for late spring.

"Hello Trowa," Quatre said calmly to the cinnamon haired boy.

"Hello Quatre," Trowa replied, both feeling the slight shyness that had been present during their first meeting.

"I'm ready to practice our act now," Quatre said, setting his backpack down and standing tall. Trowa nearly shouted for joy, but merely gestured for Quatre to walk to the target board.

Quatre strode without hesitation to the target board and placed his hands in the holders. Trowa clicked them into place and took his position.

A small crowd had assembled, but neither boy saw them. All they could see was each other.

Trowa threw the first knife. *thunk* It landed between Quatre's right arm and his side. Quatre did not flinch. He threw a second. *thunk* It landed between Quatre's left arm and his other side. Again, Quatre did not flinch. In fact, there was a slight smile on his face. Trowa threw for a third time. This knife landed a bare inch from Quatre's right wrist. He threw again, and this one landed near his left wrist.

Trowa barely noticed when a blindfold was slipped in front of his eyes. He didn't need his eyes. He could see Quatre in his mind. He threw, twirled and threw the last knife. At the sound of the twin thunks, he tore off the blindfold.

Quatre was beaming at him while two slightly quivering knives vibrated from either side of his head. They had done it. Trowa panted slightly. The sound of applause broke him from his reverie. He turned just in time to receive a flying tackle hug from Catherine.

"You did it! You're going to knock the socks off your teacher!" Catherine said excitedly. Trowa smiled.

The Ringmaster had gone to free Quatre, who was now looking around in mild interest, as if seeing the world through new eyes.

"What people forget about working in the circus is that their must be absolute trust between everyone. The knife thrower and his target, the horse mistress and her steeds, the acrobats and each other, everyone. You must believe that your partner or partners will never hurt you."

"I know that now," Quatre said, standing up and dusting himself off lightly. He turned back to look at the target at the knives there. He touched one lightly. He then turned to walk to Trowa.

Trowa saw Quatre walking towards him and walked to him as well. Trowa hugged Quatre tightly, no words spoken between them, but all around them spoke of perfect trust and perfect...


Catherine stood at the door of the tent, waving the students forward. There were chairs set up around the centre ring where the test would be held. It had been scrupulously cleaned, as well as the mat padding. Pairs of students began filing in. As a special treat, the Ringmaster had opened the performers wardrobes, allowing them to use their bright costumes.

The performers themselves helped them choose outfits and put on makeup. They all submitted to this with only the most minor of protests. Their teacher was sitting in the normal seats where the audience would normally sit.

The Ringmaster had the list of names, and the order they would proceed in. The show had begun.

"Welcome to the St. Gabriel School's final project extravaganza! First up are Darlian, Relena and Heero Yuy!"

Relena and Heero ran out on stage, both clad in skintight, glittering white. Relena raised her arms in the air, which were encased in semi-transparent cloth. Heero, who's outfit was solid white, ran up behind her and launched her into the air. Relena flipped gracefully, landing in a roll on the floor. Heero cartwheeled, then did a backflip to her side, nose looking slightly twitchy.

They tumbled and rolled, flipped and twirled, all the while Heero's nose became even more twitchy. Heero threw Relena into the air for the finale. Relena flipped gracefully and fell towards Heero's waiting arms.

He sneezed. She tumbled to the ground as Heero was hit with a dozen sneezes in a row. Catherine helped Heero and Relena outside. Relena herself was now sneezing as well.

The performances continued, with dog trainers, a miniature pony, clowns and a rather daring low trapeze act.

"Schbeiker, Hilde and Duo Maxwell!" boomed the Ringmaster. Duo and Hilde came out, leading their ‘tiger', Hilde's cat. Duo bowed low to the crowd, clad in a black tuxedo with long tails, a white shirt and a glittering red cummerbund.

Hilde curtsied, wearing a sapphire blue silk dress, slit on either side. A matching hairband with a long feather adorned her head. Their act began. Tigger- the tiger- jumped through hoops, ran around and even allowed Duo to put his finger, because there was no way his head would fit into any domestic cat's mouth, in his mouth without chomping on it.

They took their final bows when one of the dogs from an earlier act got loose. Tigger bristled and jumped onto Duo's back, digging his claws in and worse, chewing on Duo's braid.

With a forced smile, Duo strode off stage while Hilde trailed behind, attempting to free Duo.

There were a few more acts, and then, it was their turn.

"Winner, Quatre Raberba and Trowa Barton," the Ringmaster announced. Quatre and Trowa both strode out. Quatre's costume was glittering aquamarine with stripes of topaz, and streamers dangled from his wrists.

Trowa's costume was similar, only in shades of emerald and cobalt. After bowing to their classmates, Quatre gracefully stepped over to the target, and Trowa locked him in.

The class buzzed with excitement. Duo, finally free of Tigger, grinned at his friend, tossing him a thumbs up. Quatre nodded and smiled at the crowd.

"We do not recommend you try this at home," Quatre quipped lightly. There was a round of nervous laughter and Duo snapped his fingers jestingly in disappointment.

Trowa took his place and suddenly Quatre's world became narrowed to two points: Trowa's left and right eyes. Trowa nodded slightly and Quatre once again felt calm. Trowa would not hurt him, so it didn't matter.

Trowa threw the first knife. It landed next to Quatre's right knee. He threw a second. It landed near Quatre's left knee. Again, and a knife quivered next to Quatre's right wrist. Again, and another knife appeared by Quatre's left wrist. Trowa paused.

Catherine appeared to tie a blindfold around his eyes, then retreated. Trowa took a knife in each hand and threw them at the same time. They landed on either side of Quatre's head.[5]

Trowa removed the blindfold and was hit by a wall of sound. The class was cheering frantically. Trowa could see Duo pumping his fist in the air and Hilde jumping up and down while clapping. Euphoric, Trowa walked over to Quatre, freeing him and helping him down.

Hand in hand, they stood in the centre of the ring and bowed three times. Then, with an altogether too wicked sparkle in his eye, he picked Quatre up, twirling him around, then kissing him soundly.

Sound faded from his ears when Quatre refused to release him and the kiss went on, and on, forever.

The End

Plot Summary (in case I confused anyone):

Quatre's class (which included Duo, Hilde, etc.) had been studying the circus (don't ask me why, I don't really know) and so they visited the last show of the season. It's fall, btw. Quatre meets Trowa, our favourite handsome clown. The circus decided to stay in the area (because normally when a season ends, travelling performances break up, and some people take care of the animals and the equipment). Trowa ends up attending Quatre's school until the summer, when the circus will probably move on. Their class project until the end of the the year is a circus performance, or a variation of one. Quatre and Trowa do the knife throwing act. Quatre is afraid (hell, I would be. I hate having stuff thrown at me) and Trowa worries that Quatre will never trust him (which sucks, because they're attracted to each other). After two marked incidents (the horse flipping out and Quatre's near fall), Quatre DOES trust Trowa, and they make their act a success.

1- Wufei's cameo. Oi veh.
2- All my knowledge comes from an episode of Gun Smith Cats. *hangs head*
3- A tribute to my mother's friend, who died in December of colon cancer. My mother had a horse, and it would shy at ANYTHING (garbage cans, cars, garlic pickers...) and her famous line was 'Don't panic!'. Also, you never, EVER yell at a horse if it's flipping out.
4- "I'll never let go, Rose." "Ooh, Pierre.... I mean, Jack." *looks around* I thought it was funny!
5- Yes, I know, the act keeps changing. I thought the variety would be more interesting.

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