GW Super Heroes Part 1

Title: GW Super Heroes
Author: *cringe* Uhm... me? Gwynn...
Disclaimer: I don’t own the GW boys, the super heroes or the theme songs... don’t hurt me?
Warning: Bizarre. I blame Ides for these! I also *mumble, mumble* thanks for the lyrics *mumble, mumble*
Note: To me, the voiceover guy sounds like my friend Physh. But then it'd be voiceover*girl*....
Summary: See Gundam Pilot. See Super Hero. See Gundam Pilot become that Super Hero. See Gwynn as a nut case...

Gundam Wing Super Heroes!

Part 1: Duo Maxwell AS Earthworm Jim!

~Duo Maxwell stands center stage wearing a white suit with blue gloves and boots. The whole ensemble makes him look as buff as Trowa. This suit comes with a cool red gun. However, something is kinda funny about Duo. His head is a lot skinnier, he has no hair and his eyes kinda bug out. In fact, he looks a lot like a worm!~

Voiceover guy: Once a simple vermiform, Jim was endowed with a super suit and a big red gun to fight the Evil Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Pus-filled, Malformed Bug-for-a-butt and Evil the Cat. And he is:

Launch the cow!

Earthworm Jim!
Through the soil he did crawl.

*Du-worm crawling through the earth, with those big buggy eyes*

Earthworm Jim!
A super suit did fall

*the falling object noise. Du-worm looks up, puzzled*

Jim was just a dirt eating,
chewy length of worm flesh

*in a minute worm-voice:*


But all that came to crashing end
(and crushed him flat)

*super suit lands on Du-worm and he gets up, dizzy, and gives a thumbs up*

Earthworm Jim
He's such a groovy guy

*flexes his right arm, then left arm, then both below then both above his head and his pants fall to reveal little heart boxers*


*yanks them up*

Earthworm Jim
He rockets through the sky

*climbs on a red rocket thing and zooms off* Cruisin' through the universe
having lots of fun

*war whoops and yells fill the air* Here comes Earthworm Jim
you know he's the mighty one

*heads straight for you and buzzes over your head*

Despite his great big muscles

and his really big ray gun

*whips out red gun and begins flipping it over but shoots himself in the head leaving a slightly charred head and big blinking eyes*

*now fine*

Jim is still an Earthworm

*gets yanked out of the suit and hangs in wormy form, blinking*

and he's the only one
With a super suit to make him really super strong

*suit falls on his and he becomes the Worm-ed Wonder once again*

Jim can be a winner if we only sing along

(is that like clapping if you believe in fairies?)

Earthworm Jim! We thing he's mighty fine
Earthworm Jim! A hero for all time
Earthworm Earthworm Earthworm Earthworm Jim
Hooray for Hiiiii~im!


*Du-worm flashes a thumbs up*


*cow falls on Du-worm. A tiny voice says:*

"Eat cow!"

*flashes 'I love you' signs from under cow*

Note: Earthworm Jim is a video game AND a cartoon. The song is the theme for the cartoon. Thanks to Sooth whom I bugged for the name of Queen Bug-for-a-butt. I think I pissed him off...


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On to Part 2 of this Insanity...