GW Super Heroes Part 5

Title: GW Super Heroes
Author: *cringe* Uhm... me? Gwynn...
Disclaimer: I don’t own the GW boys, the super heroes or the theme songs... don’t hurt me?
Warning: Bizarre. I blame Ides for these! I also *mumble, mumble* thanks for the lyrics *mumble, mumble*
Note: To me, the voiceover guy sounds like my friend Physh. But then it'd be voiceover*girl*....
Summary: See Gundam Pilot. See Super Hero. See Gundam Pilot become that Super Hero. See Gwynn as a nut case...

Gundam Wing Super Heroes!

Part 5: Quatre Raberba Winner AS Captain Vegetable! (WTF?!?)

~Some evil, twisted and cruel person has done something horrible to Quatre! His normally blond hair is now a weird orangey-brown and he acquired a mustache from somewhere. Poor Quatre is also in a white rabbit costume, holding a handful of carrot sticks and celery sticks.~

Voiceover guy: From a dusty corner, on an almost empty bookshelf in the author's mind comes a memory of a lame superhero from a stupid kids show. That is why this poor boy is:

It is I, Captain Vegetable!
With my carrots and my celery

*bradishes the veggies halfheartedly*

Eating crunchy vegetables is good for me
And it's good for you
so eat them too
For teeth so strong
your whole life long
Eat celery and carrots by the bunch
Three cheers for me, Captain Vegetable!
Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, cruuuuunch!

Note: This was a skit on Sesame Street. MY MOM remembered all the words! Be afraid!

Gwynn: I promise Tro and Q, I will write you in a REALLY nice fic. Please forgive me!

Note: Would you like to see: Part 6: Zechs Peacecraft AS Freakazoid! Part 7: Treize Khushrenada AS Captain Planet! I have the words to both songs. *waits with bated breath*

Duo: Hey, was that a crack?
Gwynn: No dear, of course not, O Wormy Wonder

Gwynn 'Undead Scroll Caddie/Torch Bearer' Whitelock

Done! For now...

Back to Part 4 of this Insanity...
*british accent* Let's Get the Hell out of Here!