It all started with a mission.
Missions. Someone should kill them. I mean it. They annoy me. Especially when they involve Heero, Relena and not me.
Heero is about to leave. He's standing on the helepad with me and Trowa. He is about to leave when he turns and looks at me. Strangely.
"What'd I do now?" I ask. Heero narrows his eyes at me.
"I want you to do me a favour."
"What kind of a favour do you mean?" I ask.
"I want you to kiss me." I'm stunned. Heero?!
"But... Hee-" "Heero, are you coming?" I hear Relena call. We make a face at each other, and smile.
"Duo, just do it," he instructs after a moment.
"Alright, I'll give it my best shot," I say. I lean forward to kiss Heero tentatively on the lips. I pull back. He seems not to react at all. I stare at him... then he wraps his arms around me and places his mouth on mine. He kissedsme deeply, pushing forward until his mouth fills mine. I try to gather my thoughts, but they are scattered to the four winds.
When he releases me, I can't stand. Heero promptly hands me over to Trowa, who accepts me without comment, but with a teeny little smile.
"Why...why...why..." was all I could say.
"That's one for one. Take care of him, Trowa until I return."
"Ryoukai," Trowa says, saluting with a free hand.
"I will return," Heero says, and that damn helecopter takes him away.
The End
*ducks* Okay! So I couldn't remember how most of that scene went, so sue me! I still wanted to write a shorty like that. I may just do more of those...
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