Part Three
Meanwhile, back over here...
Four semi-shadowy figures sat around a table. A fifth sat down to join them.
"I just had a report from our agent at the club. It seems as if Talpa owes Yuli a lot of money, and Yuli is bringing in professionals."
"I thought everyone owes Yuli money," pointed out someone.
"Well, yes, but that's besides the point. Yuli is going after Talpa."
"Talpa? Talpa 'the floating head' Talpa?" one of the people at the table asked incredulously. The first speaker nodded.
The person at the table let his head fall with a bang, his shoulders shaking. The young man sitting beside him leaned over in concern.
"Are you well, Duo?" he asked, worry tinting his otherwise fairly inflectionless voice. Duo sat up, wiping the tears from his reddened cheeks.
"Ah, yeah... I'm fine." Duo sat up. He grinned, manic.
"Yes, well, this is the opportunity to catch both Yuli and Talpa," said the first speaker, sitting back down. He leaned forward slightly, blond hair glinting in the dim light.
"Great Quat! After all, we'd have to be a bunch of air heads not to be able to get them! In fact, we may be getting a-head of ourselves..."
"Not puns! No more puns!" Wufei groaned and grabbed a very fake, very plastic apple and aimed it at Duo's head. He ducked and used his hands to block further assaults involving fake fruit.
"If you're finished?" Quatre asked mildly. Duo nodded. Wufei put the fruit down. "I do not believe this meeting has been particularly... fruitful. It has in fact been fruit-ile. And it has no fruit-ure," Quatre said, voice perfectly deadpan. Trowa stood up, jumped on the table and tackled him off.
"Meeting... adjourned..." Quatre managed.
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