
Title: Shedding
Author: Gwynn
Disclaimer: Nothing up my sleeve, nothing in my hands, nothing in my hat. No ownership of Gundam Wing hidden here!
Warnings: Lemon, POV, possible sap
Pairing: 1x2x1
Note: Enjoy!
Summary: It is a universal fact. Duo Maxwell sheds. Everywhere. But Heero isn't complaining...

It is a universal fact. Duo Maxwell sheds. Everywhere.

Don't get me wrong, Duo is not careless. In his working areas, or the kitchen, he doesn't shed at all. It's so pristine that you could eat directly off the surfaces. In those places, Duo is absolutely meticulous.

But not anywhere else. Everywhere else, you know where he's been, and often how long. On the back of the computer chair, there are hairs so deeply embedded I'm afraid to pull them out.

There are hairballs, literally, in the shower. Duo takes a brush in with him to shower, to braid his hair while it's still wet, and normally he pulls out clumps of hair in the process, rolling them between his palms until they become a ball, which he normally puts aside. Then there are the loose hairs. I don't know how many drains I've spent the day unplugging with a wire brush and a pair of needle nose pliers because of him.

In the living room, his books are stacked everywhere. He has three bookshelves full of them, one of which is double row, but he never puts them back. And of course he can't bear to part with the oldest, most dog-eared volume, even though I could easily buy him a new one or even download a copy from the Internet.

In the bedroom, his clothes are stacked on the floor, under the bed, on the desk, in a laundry basket under the desk, everywhere. He never puts them away, though sometimes he'll sweep though the room and toss things into the drawers helter-skelter just to say he did put some things away.

I've been away for nearly a month. I dread to think what the house looks like. I arrive late, the moon has already risen. I open the door. The lights are very dim. I can just barely see, and there is a note beside the door and a trail of clothes along the floor.

I frown. I read the note:

[By orders of Lord Duo of Shinigami, you are to drop a matching article of clothing- no other- on the floor, follow the trail, and prepare to be amazed.]

I blink. Okay. I look on the floor, and there are Duo's shoes. I take mine off too. I walk along the floor, following the trail. I discard socks, shirt, belt and undershirt before I reach the hall.

In the hall lay only a pair of pants. I arch my brow and drop my pants to the floor. I stop at the door. Hanging on the doorknob is a pair of boxers. I arch both eyebrows. I take off my boxers and open the door.

Duo is laying on the bed, illuminated by the full moonlight that comes in from a partially opened window. He is completely naked, with hair spread loose around his head like a fan. His creamy skin looks pearlescent in the moonlight, and his eyes are half-closed but glittering.

"Are you amazed?" he asks me, voice low and sexy. I walk forward to the foot of the bed. Dumbly, I nod.

He smiles at me, sitting up to wrap a hand around my tie and pulls me down, kissing me fully. My mouth opens and I slip my tongue into his mouth, tasting his sweetness. He pulls me down on top of him. As our tongues entwine, his hand circles my member, pumping it. I groan. Duo's lips part from mine.

"Take me," he whispers quietly. I kiss him again, slipping a finger inside of him. He feels slick already, as if he had already prepared. I just stretch him, making him moan and writhe, just as he's made me.

I remove my fingers and sink into him. It's so warm... so perfect.... kami-sama, I've missed him... I've missed... this. I pull up and drive back down, sinking once again into all that he is. He moans, I groan.

It's an intricate dance of the giving and taking of pleasure, sweet ecstasy and base desire. I release inside of him and he all over me. I clean him off with my tongue, and he returns the favour. We lie wrapped in each other's arms, sharing the bliss.

And this is why I will never, ever complain about Duo shedding.


The End

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