A Sleepy Western Town Part 7

Title: A Sleepy Western Town
Author: Gwynn Whitelock, email: gwynnie3x4@hotmail.com
Pairings: Implied 13x11, 3+4, 1+R. 1x2. And also, 5xM
Warning: Yaoi, violence, AU, bad western, lemon if I can wrangle one.
Disclaimer: I don't own GW. Too bad. I just borrow the boys and put them back at the end of the day.
Comments: Please! Please! Flames will be used for chemistry experiments involving dangerous combustibles. Heh, heh.
Note: The horse is Shados, not Shadow.

A Sleepy Western Town

Part 7

Heero sighed wearily as he listened to a long winded lecture from Mr. Dermail about the safety of his grand-daughter and the incompetence of servants in general and law enforcement officials in particular, finishing up with a threat to have his badge melted down and made into bullets to kill 'that damned miscreant' before he terrorised another person.

Without waiting for a reply, Dermail left and slammed the door. Seconds after the door closed, it opened again and Relena flew in, wearing heaps of lacy pink material.

"Oh *Heero*, it was so awful! He was so scary and nasty and I was so frightened! He said his name was Joe Avon. You *will* arrest him, won't you?" she cried, flinging her arms around Heero's neck. Heero gently tried to pry her off, without success.

"Relena, we are doing our best and we will certainly look into it. But you need to go home, Zechs will be upset if you aren't there," Heero said soothingly.

"Yes, you're right. But I simply don't feel safe anymore!" she wailed. Heero smiled at her kindly and stood, gently pushing her out the door.

"You must speak to your brother about that," he said, firmly shutting the door. He sat down and sighed in relief.

"Is it safe to come out?" Trowa asked from the back room.

"I suppose," said Heero. Trowa and Quatre came from the back room. Quatre was holding what looked like an artist's canvas.

"Quatre was telling me about what happened as far as he knew. The bandit left this," said Trowa, pointing to the canvas. "Show him Quat," he said, putting a hand on his arm. Quatre looked up, smiled and nodded.

Heero immediately felt jealous. Whatever was or wasn't between his deputy and the young man was more than would ever be between either him and Relena or any other person.

"He dropped this," Quatre said in a soft tone. Heero looked at the canvas and saw the sketch of the young man in amongst the scribbles on the page.

"Do you recognise him?" asked Trowa. "I didn't."

"No," said Heero. The eyes... they reminded him of something... so familiar, just like-

~~"Heero dear, how would you like a lollipop?"

"Yes please mama." Papa looked at me and smiled, ruffling my hair.

"So polite already, you'll make a good little gentleman." Just then, the sound of many horses riding into town. People talking, wondering about what was going on.

Mama in her white dress and her blue eyes like mine, looking up in wonder, almost stepping into the coach, reaching into her hand bag for a lolly.

Papa, standing with the horses, dark ruffled hair like mine. Looking at the men on the horses, he raised a hand in greeting.

Scarves covering their mouths, covered in dust. One draws a...

Bang! Papa falls, he's so still.

Papa! They turned to Mama, pushes me away...

BANG! BANG! Mama falls back, her dress stained with dark red flowers. Her eyes are so lifeless. They ride off, pulling the coach behind them.

"Mamaaaaaa!"~~ Heero shook his head. "I've never seen him," he said, voice void of emotion. Trowa started at the blank, dead look on his face. Quatre touched his arm lightly in concern. Heero shook it off.

"Heero?" Quatre asked softly. Heero shook his head and nodded to Quatre and Trowa.

"I'll take this to a contact and see if I can identify this man. Thank you both," Heero said, voice soft and still far away. Trowa thought to stay but Quatre took his arm and they left Heero to his thoughts in peace.


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