A Sleepy Western Town Part 9

Title: A Sleepy Western Town
Author: Gwynn Whitelock, email: gwynnie3x4@hotmail.com
Pairings: Implied 13x11, 3+4, 1+R. 1x2. And also, 5xM
Warning: Yaoi, violence, AU, bad western, lemon if I can wrangle one.
Disclaimer: I don't own GW. Too bad. I just borrow the boys and put them back at the end of the day.
Comments: Please! Please! Flames will be used for chemistry experiments involving dangerous combustibles. Heh, heh.
Note: The horse is Shados, not Shadow.

A Sleepy Western Town

Part 9

Wufei looked at the picture painted on the canvass. He frowned slightly before shaking his head. "I've never seen this man before," Wufei said, handing the picture back. Heero nodded.

"Somehow I didn't think so. I would like to know the connection with the bandit and the person in this picture though..." Heero said in contemplation.

Wufei shrugged. "Perhaps a relative?" he asked. Heero nodded.

"Possibly..." Heero said, as his eyes were drawn to the tavern doors. Quatre walked into the tavern, as crowds parted before him. He nodded and thanked them politely.

"Who is that?" Wufei asked.

"That's Quatre Winner," Heero said.


"Very. But he's extremely polite," Heero pointed out, as Quatre politely addressed Sally, receiving a mug of cider from her. Wufei nodded, noting this.

"Hello Heero," Quatre said, walking over to Heero's table. He nodded politely at Wufei.

"Hello Quatre," Heero said, nodding in reply. "This is Wufei," he added. Quatre smiled at Wufei, then turned back to Heero.

"Heero, may I speak with you for a moment please?" Quatre asked. The word 'alone' was implied in his tone.

"Certainly Quatre," Heero said. Wufei nodded and left. Quatre sat down and seemed to gather his thoughts as he sipped his cider.

"Heero, have you given any thought to why this bandit is robbing people?" Quatre started carefully. Heero narrowed his eyes.

"Why does it matter why he's doing it, he's robbing people," Heero said flatly. Quatre persisted.

"But there has to be a reason. I was there both times, and he never hurt anyone. He seemed to like talking and tricking them rather than killing anyone," Quatre said, looking earnestly at Heero.

Heero grunted. "Just because he's been too outnumbered to fight like a man doesn't mean he's particularly merciful," Heero said. "In any case, if he'd harmed you, the Mag'Gua'Nacs would have hunted him down." Quatre blushed. The Native tribe had adopted him as one of their own and protected him fiercely.

"Please just try and think about it," Quatre said. Heero nodded reluctantly.

"Quatre, I need you to make copies of this picture, so I can send them West to find out who this is," Heero said, tapping the picture. Quatre nodded and took it. Quatre turned to leave, and turned back a moment.

"Heero, it doesn't hurt to be merciful," Quatre said gently, then left. Heero glared and sighed, staring moodily into his food.


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