A Sleepy Western Town Part 21

Title: A Sleepy Western Town
Author: Gwynn Whitelock, email: gwynnie3x4@hotmail.com
Pairings: Implied 13x11, 3+4, 1+R. 1x2. And also, 5xM
Warning: Yaoi, violence, AU, bad western, lemon if I can wrangle one.
Disclaimer: I don't own GW. Too bad. I just borrow the boys and put them back at the end of the day.
Comments: Please! Please! Flames will be used for chemistry experiments involving dangerous combustibles. Heh, heh.
Note: Trowa gets more face time, we see Heero. The date of Duo's trial approaches...

A Sleepy Western Town

Part 21

Heero saw it all in slow motion. Duo reaching to strike Relena, Relena's low blow and Duo falling; each event displayed itself it excruciating slowness. As Duo hit the ground, Heero felt his arm wrench and with a distorted cry, Heero fell to the ground. The bizarre sound of warped screeching was all he heard before blackness claimed him.

"Duo!" Heero said, sitting up with a start. Immediately a pair of hands gently but insistently pushed him down.

"Whoa Heero," Trowa cautioned. Heero looked around in a haze.

"Where's Duo?" Heero demanded, still trying to sit up. Trowa looked to the doctor who frowned and motioned that Trowa had five minutes.

"You mean the bandit you brought in?" Trowa asked. Heero gripped Trowa's hand tightly.

"He's not a bandit, he was hired by the people who live outside of town to get back things- or people- that were stolen from the people out of town. He was only trying to do the right thing Trowa," Heero said, allowing himself to be pushed back down onto the bed.

Trowa raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Are you serious?" Trowa asked.

"Did he mention who was involved?" Wufei asked, emerging from the shadows. Trowa looked at the bounty hunter in irritation.

"He mentioned no names, but he did describe the circumstances," Heero said slowly. Wufei nodded once and marched out, brushing by Quatre as he entered.

"How's Duo?" Heero demanded immediately. A smile grew on Quatre's face.

"He's fine, although pissed as a wet cat," Quatre said. Trowa looked from Quatre to Heero, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I take it that you believe Duo's story too?" Trowa said, crossing his arms. Quatre dropped the smile and nodded seriously.

"He's telling the truth. You know as well as I do there were rumours about those men in town, we just could never prove anything. It makes sense, and I don't believe that Duo would lie to Heero," Quatre said.

"Hn. Why's that?" Trowa asked. Quatre's eyes danced and Heero's cheeks gained a very faint redness. "Oh," was all Trowa said.

"Indeed," Quatre said, sounding oh so serious. Trowa's visible eye twinkled. Heero blushed.

"Unfortunately, nothing can be done until the trial... and Dekim, Dermail and particularly Tsuberov are out for his blood. They aren't going to be at all happy about this," Trowa pointed out. Heero frowned.

"Well, they will have to. It's the truth after all. We need to find the people who hired Duo and get them to come back for the trial." Quatre thought, pursing his lips a moment. "What about the Ma'Gua'Nacs? Why couldn't they help?"

Heero nodded, wincing. "That might work. Hurry Quatre, we don't have much time."

Quatre nodded, turning on heel. Heero settled into his bed, opening his mouth for another question. Dr. Howard held up a hand to stop any further discussion.

"You've had more than your five minutes now OUT!"


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