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Women of Silver Strikers Space Force

Okay, you already know about me, Kris, the Grand Admiral. There are four other females that are Admirals, controls the best ships, and the best mobile suit fighters of the fleet. I will list each one, and below the list will be a list of the Silver Strikers Space Fleet.

Name: Mandi Grace Haile

Ship: Silver Dragon

Gundam Assigned to Ship: Nataku/Altron

Name: Holly Jenkins

Ship: Silver Odyssey

Gundam Assigned to Ship: Wing Gundam/Wing Zero

Name: Stephanie Fox

Ship: Silver Millenium

Gundam Assigned to Ship: HeavyArms

Name: Cassandra Lincoln

Ship: Silver Eternity

Gundam Assigned to Ship: DeathScythe/DeathScythe Hell

Silver Flight--Kris Esan--Grand Admiral--Power, Speed, Stealth, Communications
Silver Dragon--Mandi Haile--Stealth, Speed
Silver Millennium--Stephanie Fox--Communications, Speed
Silver Odyssey--Holly Jenkins--Power, Stealth
Silver Eternity--Cassandra Lincoln--Speed, Power
Silver Night--Nathanial Night--Power, Communications
Silver Blood--Rick Stunz--Power, Speed
Silver Universe--Penther--Speed, Stealth
Silver Life--Touma Kiseragi--Power, Stealth
Silver Heaven--Mamoru Kusinagi--Power, Stealth
Silver Tracer--Shane Bachelet--Communications, Stealth
Silver Gambit--Tye Kwyck--Speed, Power
Silver Creation--Anthony Stryke--Stealth, Speed

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