Full Name: Kento Leon Masaki
Honorary Title: Commander/Gundam Wing Zero Seven
Age: 15 as of AC 195
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 98.5 lbs
Hair color/length: Blonde(that isn't hard to tell), think of a mix between Sage of Ronin Warriors and Trowa Barton
Eye color: Dark Blue, wears silver contacts though
Companion: Go ask him yourself, I got lost in trying to remember them
Strange Distinction: Err.... no comment
Kris back. Kento was hired at the age of ten or eleven or so, much to my disappointment. I guess we sorta have an "big brother/little sister" relationship, but hey, I'm the boss here. Anyway, when I'm not on my flagship, Kento takes control of the ship, not the fleet. An all around okay guy, though can be a really blonde at times. No offense or anything, but how hard is it to remember a firearm while you're going into dangerous territory and might be shot at?