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Pete Gas

Pete Gas

Additional Training(If Applicable)
Training Seminars::

Company's Worked For:
# Pete Gas was a member of the Mean Street Posse with Rodney and Joey Abs, who were childhood friends of Shane McMahon.. # December 10, 2007--RAW 15th Anniversary: Pete Gas participated in a special Battle Royal featuring past RAW Super Stars!
Championships: # WWF Hardcore title defeating Crash Holly at the Newark Airport; # WWF Hardcore title defeating Headbanger Thrasher (Wrestlemania 2000); # MCW (Memphis Championship Wrestling) Heavyweight title; # MCW (Memphis Championship Wrestling) Tag Team titles w/Pete Gas; # Power Pro Wrestling Heavyweight title (out of Memphis, Tennessee);
Debut: Not Given
Location: Greenwich, Connecticut

Wrestler Name: Pete Gas
Height & Weight: 6'4" 260 lbs
Entrance Music: Not Given
Finishing Move: The Gas Mask (standing crossface)
Trade Mark Moves: Moonsault
Heel or Face