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Pennsylvania State Standards and Objectives

Academic Standards for History
8.1. Historical Analysis and Skills Development
8.1.3. GRADE 3
A. Understand chronological thinking and distinguish between past, present and future time.
• Calendar time
• Time lines
• Continuity and change
• Events (time and place)
B. Develop an understanding of historical sources.
• Data in historical maps
• Visual data from maps and tables
• Mathematical data from graphs and tables
• Author or historical source
8.3. United States History
8.3.3. GRADE 3
A. Identify contributions of individuals and groups to United States history.
• George Washington
• Thomas Jefferson
• Abraham Lincoln
• Theodore Roosevelt
• Franklin D. Roosevelt
• Individuals who are role models
C. Identify important changes in United States history
8.4. World History
8.4.3. GRADE 3
A. Identify individuals and groups who have made significant political and cultural contributions to world history.

Students will:
•Understand chronological order following the calendar months.
•Learn to use sources to find historical information.
•Identify individuals who made history in the United States.
•Identify the changes made in United States history.

