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On September 24th 1990 Adam came into the world. Unknown to everyone but his mom that he was going to be a special child. It took till Adam was 1 to find a doctor to start searching all others thought he was ok.

The day we first meet Dr.Russin he checked him over and agreed somthing was wrong he ordered some test's and from their we were sent to Dr.Mack in Madison. Edventually through the help of Dr.Mack and Dr.Russin we found Adam had some metobolic disorder and CP. They started filtering through alot of stuff sending us to Dr.'s that could help in diffrent area's.

We meet a Dr. through this process in Madison that said he would never walk,or talk.

After talking with Dr. Russin we were sent to a Physical Therapist in Oshkosh outside of school and he worked with Adam extensivly and gave us excercises at home to do and also started Adam on Ocupational Thearapy. Between Christy and Don they worked with Adam for 3 years and When Adam was 3 he took his first step it was the happiest day of our life.

from their they sent us to a speech therapist who asked us about his subm mucus cleft pallat we new nothing of this and sought again the help of Dr.Russin were he sent us to a ENT doctor and it was diagnosed.

Dr.Groomer then sent us to Milwaukee were we have been working since, with wonderful doctors down their for this problem. One of the things they did in Milwaukee was he had to have two surgeries to correct the cleft palate as best as possible because our old ENT removed his tonsils which are needed to fix the cleft palates, and since we allready new from that tonsil surgery that Adam had a hard time with surgeries because he was in the hopsital for 5 days after very weak and very close to death. That this would not be easy on him in anyway.

But we proceded for his health because without it it was difficult for Adam to eat. During the surgery Adam did have some problems with stopping breathing again and yet another brush with losing him we as his faimly came to releize that everyday was precious and we hold to the highest standard our praise and thanksgiving to God that he is still with us.

Our struggles were not over yet. Many more things through out the next several years were popping up. And Adam had to undergo many surgery's and stays in the hospital. Today we are still searching for answers and today we are still finding out things and today.

Adam still has bad days. Today he is a 12 yr old boy with a brain function of a 6yr old. He loves school has started learning to read within the last yr thanks to his teacher Mrs.Kleinshmidt, Mrs.Meyer, and Mrs.Shultz.

We just recently found out Adam has Chiari Malformation it is a brain malfunction. And will be undergoing brain surgery at the end of March. Total today we know Adam has CP, moderatly retarted, low tone hearing loss, legally blind in one eye, sub mucos cleft palate, left blanchard block, heart murmer, Chiari malformation, Maple Syrup urine syndrome, VCFS, undetermind metabolic disorder, epelepsy, ADHD, short stature,and autistic tendencies.

Adam is a lively boy loves the out of doors, swimming, bowling, country music, Jesus, basketball,his hot dog (aunt Lilly ), and his dog patches. Adam has been the joy and the sunshine in his Dad,mom,sister, and brothers life. Every day is a new day good or bad everyday their is allways a lesson to learn from him. Everyday we thank God above for another day with him and ask for yet just another day. His struggles will never end till he returns home to his maker and as his faimly all we can do is our best to be their for him and support him, love him, encourage him, and hold him.

Everyday is an adventure with many doctor visits a year and many sickness and many pains of yet another test or surgery.But his strenght and courage he show's makes everyone around him a stronger person because of the lessons he is teaching us. With every hug,every smile, and every giggle he shows us the true spirit of life. For this we are forever thankful.

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