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Organizations | AK Corp
The Adam Kelly Corporation (AK Corp)

The Adam Kelly Corporation (AK Corp) was created by Adam Kelly on December 22, 2012 in Metropolis, New York. Under Adam’s leadership, it gained a monopoly on almost every aspect of American life. In 2015, its own army was established and fought its first politically motivated war in 2020 for Ohio against the states of Texas and Michigan in the Ohio-Texas War. By 2025, it gained some independence from the United States in the second AK Corp-American War; the first was fought with the US security agency Shield in 2024. In 2030, AK Corp took over the Untied States and declared large sections of the US, mostly in Ohio, Texas and Michigan, part of the new formed Republic of the Adam Kelly Corporation. During the war that followed, the Neo-US and AK Corp joined together to take on the world and by 2038, it had taken over three-fourths of the world and killed four billion. Although most of it was returned to their original nations in exchange for joining a Neo-US controlled New UN, pledging that Adam Kelly was a god and that American was superior to the rest of the world. Also, the Muslims in those countries were turned over for extermination by AK Corp forces, plus they got monopolies in those same countries. In 2043 with the creation of the Galactic Alliance, AK Corp was recognized as representing Earth in the interstellar community and is the only space faring nation on the planet. That same year AK Corp signed a NATO-like alliance treaty with the United Federation of Planets. In 2050 Adam’s son, Andrew Kelly became AK Corp’s CEO and President. Adam remained Commander-in-Chief until 2061 and is still the Chairman to this day. Since 2038, AK Corp has fought in the Communist War, but only after Andrew became the Neo-US president, and in the Religious Wars, started by Andrew. Also, AK Corp helped Clark/Superman's Utopia enforce its ban on all religions. Today, thanks to its massive amounts of cash, AK Corp is also the only nation to have nuclear weapons. As of the crossover, AK Corp is one of the most powerful interstellar races but is currently fighting the Almerac-Skrull War