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Adam James Kelly
Honorary Justice Leaguer

Adam Kelly goes by many titles and is either loved or feared by not only Earth but the entire Milky Way Galaxy and a few alternate dimensions. The first title he was given was that of the world’s smartest man. Unfortunately, he saw most human life not worthy of living, as they were dogs compared to him.
Once a crime fighter after inventing the super-strength drug X5, he also used his smarts to build a large multinational corporation, called AK Corp, and quickly gained a worldwide monopoly on everything, giving him the USA persona of a heroic businessman, who has saved the Earth from destruction many times.
However, he really saved the Earth so he could some day it control himself. Crazed by the sights and horrors of the September 11 terrorist attacks as a child and pushed over the edge by the death of every member of his family, except for Andrew, he fought for revenge against the people who did those attacks, mostly Muslims. Adam overthrew the United States government, became its dictator and brainwashed the American people. During his ten years as Dictator of the Neo-United States, Adam became the greatest mass murder of all time after he killed four billion people (at that time, half the population of Earth) including all 1.3 billion Muslims, billions of Asians, millions of Russians, thousands of Europeans, Latinos and Africans plus half the population of the United States.

Age: 92
Height: 5'9"
Ethnicity: Irish-American
Build: small-frail
Weight: approx 140 lbs
Eye Color: blue
Hair: short, white, balding
With Clark Kent/Superman being defeated by his son, Adam Kent, there was no defense against Adam Kelly. Adam Kent saw Adam Kelly as more of a father than Clark, who was "always abandoning him to save others". Clark then banished himself to the moon. Adam Kelly was convinced by Kent to stop the killing and return power to the people. Despite his crimes as Dictator, Adam was worshipped as a god by the children of that generation, including Jack Kent, John Stewart and Wally West.
Now at 92-years old and crippled by Metallo, the League members who worship him made Adam their first honorary member, serving as the League’s brains since his decaying body can’t do much else. He was also a member of the now defunct first Justice League.
* Born on August 16, 1984 in Bowling Green, Ohio.
* Born as an Advanced Human with super-intellect and a 300 IQ.
* Son of Brian Kelly and his wife Linda Kelly, both killed by a Muslim Terrorist in 2029.
* Married to Alexia Wheaton of Littleton, Colorado, who was killed a Muslim Terrorist in 2029. Her older sister was killed by Eric Harris in the Columbine shooting. Ironically, Eric is a personal hero of Adam's.
* Father of two kids named Andrew and Amber Kelly. Amber was killed by a Muslim Terrorist in 2029.
* Considered adopted father to Adam Kent and vice versa due to their close friendship.
* Grandfather of Adam the second and Alex Kelly.
* Former political offices: Mayor of Metropolis (2015-2023); U.S Senator for New York (2023-2029); Vice-President of the U.S. (2029-2030); President of the U.S. (2030); two term Dictator of the Neo-US (2030-2040). Currently the Dictator of the AK Corp Republic since its establishment in 2030.
* Currently the world's smartest, richest and most powerful man.
* Corporation built on the new technologies invented by Adam and the sale of illegal drugs to children.
* Overthrew the democratic United States government in 2030 and replaced it with a dictatorship, making him the last U.S. president and the first Neo-US Dictator.
* Remembered most for killing four billion people in eight years.
* During a time traveling trip to 100 A.D., Adam convinced the Meso-American Indians of the time, that he was their god Quetzalcoatl. Before he left, he told the Indians of a date on which he would return. Adam purposely had it coincide with Cortez’s arrived in Mexico in 1521. The Indians of 1521, the Aztecs, believed Cortez was Quetzalcoatl. Cortez used that belief to destroy the Aztecs and that led to the massacre that all American Indians would face in the next several decades. So, in a way, Adam Kelly is single-handly responisble for the death of millions of American Indians.
Greatest Quote : "Death for the many, Life for the few."
*In 2050, an inter-dimesional sliding accident, caused by Dr. Geyser, intertwined Adam with a double of himself for two years, when the first Gold Man returned him to normal.
* Lower spine ripped out by Metallo in 2060, thus making Adam a paraplegic for most of the rest of his life.

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Adam Kelly page last updated 04/10/05