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Andrew Kelly
Justice Leaguer

Andrew Kelly, son of Businessman and Neo-US Dictator Adam Kelly, is currently the CEO and President of his father’s company, AK Corp. This enables him to fight with the latest in weapons technology, finance the League and provide for the Watchtower and Javelin spacecrafts. Like his father, Andrew rules through fear, and there is little doubt that he scares even some members of the Justice League. Whereas he trusts proven allies such as Superman and Martian Manhunter, he has little tolerance for brash superheroes that make mistakes. He won’t put up with The Flash’s antics, or inexperienced superheroes. He may resent some members of the League who seem to rely too much on the powers, but understands that their power is the only answer to threats on a global scale.
Although, he’s nowhere near as intelligent as Adam, he is a far better "people-loving person" then his crazed father. Andrew tries to be very different than his father and works very hard to step out of the giant shadow Adam casts over not only Andrew but the Earth. He is also more willing to fight crime even at the expense of his life, unlike his father. Andrew even lost his right hand in a battle against the Atomic Skull. His hand was replaced by a cybernetic hand that gives him increased strength, allowing him to fight more often with the League, for which he is a founding member of its current version.
* Born in 2014 in Metropolis, New York
* Son of Adam Kelly and his wife Alexia Kelly, who was killed by a Muslim Terrorist in 2029
* Shortly after birth, he was kidnapped by the villian Dregs.
* Once had a sister named Amber but she too was killed by a Muslim Terrorist in 2029
* Married to Amanda Neeley, daughter of close friend of his father's. Also, niece of the terrorist who killed Andrew's mother and sister
* Father of two boys named Adam the second and Alex Kelly.

Age: 62
Height: 6'1"
Ethnicity: Irish-American
Build: large-muscular
Weight: approx 175lbs
Eye Color: blue
Hair: short, white, with beard
* Former one-term Dictator of the Neo-US from 2065 to 2070
* Lost his right hand in battle against the Atomic Skull. Replaced by a cybernetic hand that gives him increased strength
* Was once the AK Corp Vice President from Adam Kent's retirement in 2042 to becoming the AK Corp CEO in 2050
* Killed by Archangel during the AK/Angel Comics Crossover but was brought back to life during the Crisis on Infinite Earths.
* Negotiated peace treaty between the Kree, the Skrulls and Earth.
* Quote from peace conference: "My father once said 'Death for the many, Life for the few.' But I say from this day forward: 'Life for the many, Death for the few.'"
* In 2064, Dictator Justin Powell started the Communist War with CLAWW or the Communist League Against the Western World but was a poor military general and heavy losses occurred. He was defeated for re-election by Andrew Kelly and he ended the war within the next year. Soon after, all religion was outlaw in 2068 after a bloody religious war occurred. The war was caused by Andrew killing the Pope for excommunicating his Catholic wife. However, this caused Andrew to lose his re-election bid.
* Note: If you get confused like me in the picture to the left, Andrew is holding a laser gun and that's smoke coming out of it.

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Andrew Kelly page last updated 04/10/05