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Original Justice League | Aquaman
Justice Leaguer

Though born into Altantean royalty, Orin, the future King of the Seas, was abandoned on an sea reef and left to die by a superstitious populance because of his blond hair and sorcerous heritage. Orin survived, however, and lived among "surface dwellers" as Arthur Curry (named after the lighthouse keeper who raised him). Powerful enough to endure the sea depths and able to communicate telepathically with all marine life, Orin's desire to protect both land and sea has earned him the heroic label "Aquaman." This founding member of the first Justic League eventually claimed his right role as Altantis' monarch, until cricumstances led his subjects to force him into exile once again. In exile, he returned to the Justice League just in time for him and most of his teammates to be killed in the nuclear explosion, caused by the death of Captain Atom, that destroyed Coast City.

Sometime later, Adam Kelly had most of the Altanteans slaughtered during a war between AK Corp/Neo-US with Altantis over the use of the seas.