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Original Justice League | Black Canary
Black Canary
Justice Leaguer

Dinah Laurel Lance may share the name of her grandmother, the orignal Black Canary, member of the legendary Justice Society of America, but she's more than a third-generation "pretty-bird." Besides being taught how to fight by Batman/Bruce Wayne, her vocal cords can produce a "Canary Cry," a powerful, sonic pitched "whammy" that disables opponents and rends steel. Black Canary had certainly made herself heard since carrying in her grandmother's name - in addition to co-founding the original Justice League of America and fighing crime with fellow Bird of Pery Barbara Gordan AKA Batgirl. However, in 2043, Black Canary and most of her teammates were killed in the nuclear explosion, caused by the death of Captain Atom, that destroyed Coast City.