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Important Events | The Black War
The Black War

The Black War is a common name given to several wars involving the Neo-US, started by Adam Kelly, between 2030 and 2038. It began after Adam Kelly overthrown the US Government on March 15, 2030. The first war was against the Anti-America Cult, which killed half of the population of America. This is followed by an invasion of Cuba, which leads to protest, by the UN. They are also destroyed so after. The Muslim Genocide campaign started on September 11, 2030 and ending September 11, 2031. Mecca is nuked, Dome of the Rock bombed, Israel gains control of Arabs neighbor’s lands, Iraq taken over by the Neo-US, most of Islam is destroyed and over one billion Muslims are killed worldwide. On December 7, 2031, United Europe tries to take over the Neo-US, they fail and next day the Neo-US declares war on all nations the continent of Europe expect Russia. That war was ended on December 7, 2032 with the successful invasion of Britain.

On January 1, 2033, the Republic of Russia is overthrow by the Russian Soviet Union. They declare war on the Neo-US and invade the US held Ukraine. The war against Russia is long because of their scorched-earth policy. However, the Neo-US helps them with this policy by destroying St. Petersburg and Moscow or sometimes referred to as Moscow Mass Murder. After a year the Neo-US invades the Ukraine and a surprise invasion of Eastern Russia from Alaska occurs. This allows the Neo-US forces in Europe to invaded Western Russia. With only about 1000 miles between the two armies, they surrender on January 3, 2035. On February 14, 2035 the Neo-US attacks Southern Vietnam, chasing the Communists all the way back to Northern Vietnam. Two days later all the Communists were chased into China. Soon after North Korea was invaded, all the Communists were chased into China and Korea was reformed. While those defeats in American history were corrected, the first defeat of the war for the Neo-US and first defeat ever for AK Corp occurred in 2036 with the failed African Reformation campaign. Soon after China invaded Taiwan and the next day the Neo-US declared war on China. Two days later on August 16, 2036 the most glorious battle in American history occurred. Known as the Battle of Beijing, the Neo-US Army, numbering less than 100,000 destroyed the Chinese army, numbering one billion, in less than 24 hours. About one year later on October 31, 2037 China surrenders. Afterwards Adam Kelly ends the Australian Civil War by taking over Communist West Australia.

Soon after a href="Superman2.html">Adam Kent/Superman, who wants to end the self-imposed exile of his father, gets best friend Adam Kelly to sign the Treaty of Algernon, ending the Black War on March 15, 2038 but was not officially until 2039. The aftermath of the Black War causes AK Corp to become a world superpower and gain basic control of world. Four billion dead and one-third of the world is destroyed. Three decades later, a rebirth in Communism is cause by the outcome of this war.