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Complete bio for Lord Kal-el/Clark Kent/Superman

Eventhough he wasn't in the original JLA, Superman would, without question, be regraded as Earth's greatest champion. Some might say Kal-el has earned such esteem because Earth's yellow-sun fuels his vast powers and abilities. Those closest to him might think it was a sense of moral responsibility instilled within young Clark Kent by his foster parents in Smallville, Kansas. But all would agree that the love the Last Son of Krypton has for his adopted planet is his greatest strength and makes Superman an icon among those already considered legends.

Know as Krypton’s Last Son and the world's greatest superhero, Kal-El AKA Superman was the first hero to appear since the 1940s and after he appeared in 1994, more heroes have come to fight evil. Superman’s parents Jor-El and Lara, sent their son to Earth in an effort to save his life as their home planet, Krypton, was destroyed. After landing in Smallville, Kal-El was discovered by Martha and Jonathan Kent, who raised him and kept his origin a secret. Clark Kent grew up with a normal childhood, but it was soon evident that he wasn’t like the other kids. Clark’s alien DNA gave him the ability to harness the power of the Earth’s Yellow sun. Eventually, Clark stored enough energy to perform superhuman feats. When Clark moved to Metropolis to work at the Daily Planet, a nationwide newspaper, he also adopted the guise of Superman to better serve and inspire the American Public. However, not all the American Public was inspired as LexCorp owner Lex Luthor desperately tried to kill Superman but the struggle cost Luthor his life.

During his early adventures, Superman discovered his vulnerability to magic and Kryptonite. After causing the arrest of Lex Luthor, Superman found Luthor to be a constant threat. Soon after Superman's debut, criminal groups like Intergang and superpowered villains like Metallo soon began to appear.

The public soon learned that Superman was an alien but Metropolis learned to trust him, especially as he made it clear that he was raised on Earth, and considered himself an American. Superman's DNA is incompatible with humans and was not able to father children with his wife Daily Planet Reporter Lois Lane. However, 30th Century technology brought to the future by Time Traveler H.G. Wells made it possible to have one half human, half kryptonian child. That child became Adam Kent: the second Superman.

In 2021 following a battle against Darkseid, Clark's powers began turn on and off at random. This prevented him saving his daughter-in-law, Katie, from being killed by Darksied. Eventually after the battle, Clark retired and passed the torch to his son, Adam, but the death of Adam's wife ended their already rocky relationship between the two as Clark was always "abandoning his son to save others".

Katie's death forced Clark, in 2030, to fight his son to save the world from the genocidal madman, Adam Kelly. Adam Kent saw Adam Kelly as more of father than Clark. Defeated by his son, Clark then banished himself to the moon. Later, Kelly was convinced by Adam Kent to stop the killing, so that Clark would return to Earth. However when Clark did return, he started Utopia, a domed-in city where all on people on the Earth, who were afarid of Adam Kelly's new world order, could live.

Following the death of his wife, Lois Lane, in 2048, Clark started calling himself Kal-el: Utopian Overlord. Although Kal-el's Utopia was no different, in 2061, Lord Kal-el's insanity took a turn for the worst when he attempted to take control of the world by force. However during his take over, the Superman Robots he had built were reprogram by The Cyborg and Blight created the Supermen of America, a vigilante group of Advanced Humans. However, Clark was finally stopped in battle against his son, Adam, grandson, Jack, who's the third Superman and some Kryptonite. However Clark's reputation was tarnished and he had to work hard to re-earn people's trust.

But questions about Clark's sanity would plague the third Superman until 2070. That year, Jack and the newly-formed Justice League investagated the first murder in Utopian history. The JLA discovered that the murderer was Lord Kal-el. When the League confronted him about it, he attacked them. During the battle a huge starfish-shaped parasite is revealed on his chest. It's bonded to his skin, and they can't get it off without risking harm to Clark.

Instead, J'onn J'onzz discovers a giant starfish in the Fortess of Solitude and contacts telepathically to it. It's a form of marine life, captured from a world of water by an alien collector, who preserves species by picking up the last of any world's life forms on his big zoo-starship. Eventually Clark as Superman was captured by the collector, and escaped, as did the starfish, named Starro. But the starfish saw how strong Clark was, and determined to use that strength for himself. One day, in Clark's alien zoo, the starfish jumped him and took over his nervous system.

But that was years ago in 2048, Clark's been possessed for all those years! But the starfish wasn't done there. It planned to take over the world, breeding countless copies of itself to enslave every being on the planet! And all that remains is to release them from the water tanks under the Fortress into the Arctic Sea. Luckily, the Justice League foiled Starro's plans by releasing Clark from Starro's control. Clark and the League then killed Starro and his copies. Afterwards, Clark is given Honorary Member status in Justice League but remains in Utopia trying to bring worldwide peace to his adopted planet Earth.