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Super-Villains | Despero

Using the hypnotic power of his mutanted third eye, Despero not only seized control of his homeworld Kalanor, but the original Justice League of America as well until they regrouped and vanquished him. Amid several monstrous physical metamorphoses, he returned to Earth and temporary drove apart the League, and continued to threaten both the JLA and Legion of Super-Heroes until 2043. Despite his bodily transformation, Despero's greatest strength lied within his third eye, which dominated minds with frightening ease.

However, in 2043, Despero became part of an army of super-villains created by Visharon to prevent the first JLA and Avengers from stopping his master, Timeshaper, from taking the Creator's powers. During the battle, Despero and most of his fellow villains were killed in the nuclear explosion, caused by the death of Captain Atom, that destroyed Coast City.