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Original Justice League | Dr. Fate
Dr. Fate
Justice Leaguer

Kent Nelson was born to Celestine Babcock Nelson, a spiritual and Sven Nelson, a archaeologist. Kent's mother died sometime after his birth under unknown circumstances. At the age of 12, his sheltered life would soon change Sven Nelson had decided to take his son Kent on a dig to the Valley of Ur in Mesopotamia to an archaeological site. Sven and Kent ventured into the temple of Nabu the Wise that would forever change their lives. Kent wandered around the temple and stumbled upon an ancient sarcophagus containing the giant body of Nabu the Wise, an ancient Egyptian sorcerer. Kent accidently awake Nabu from his hundreds of centuries of rest. Due to Nabu awakening, a poisonous gas swept through the temple and killed Sven Nelson but left Kent unharmed.

As gratitude for his release, Nabu would offer to teach the boy unlimited power. Kent did not want this power but only to have his father back but with a wave of his hand, Nabu had removed all knowledge of Sven's death from the boy. Within that week, Nabu had transformed Kent into a full grown man and taught him the ways of mysticism. Nabu's last wish was for Kent to release all his power on his master, Kent could not kill his master as he had grown attached to Nabu the Wise. Nabu made a gesture of his hand and Kent remembered that the gas that freed Nabu had killed his father. In an angry rage, Kent summoned all his power to destroy the murderer of his father. Nabu's true origin was revealed to Kent, Nabu was a energy being, a Lord of Order. As a final gift, Nabu gave Kent a golden helmet and an amulet that would allow him to fight the never ending battle of Order and Chaos.

In the 1940s, Dr. Fate joined the Justice Society of America in their fight against Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Fate would also join the original Justice League shortly after its creation. Fate joined because he met Adam Kent/Superman in 2023. In that year, an ancient tablet was stolen from the Metropolis University's archaeology department. The tablet held a horrible monster called Karkull and was released by the ciminals, who stolen it. Superman, who up to this point had been invulnerable to everything but Kryptonite, learns he can be harmed by magic. As they say, fight fire with fire - Superman seeks the aid of Dr. Fate, a sorcerer with power over the supernatural.

Dr. Fate AKA Kent Nelson lived in Salem, Massachusets with his wife, the powerful sorceress, Irza. However, Dr. Fate and most of his teammates were killed in the nuclear explosion, caused by the death of Captain Atom, that destroyed Coast City.