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Original Justice League | Elongated Man
Elongated Man
Justice Leaguer

By drinking a secret Gingold extract, Ralph Dibny becomes the super-stretchable sleuth known as the Elongated Man. It's no stretch to say that his extensive elasticly, plus a keen ability secong only to Batman's, made him a valued member of the original Justic League. He and his wife Sue once preferred to broaden thier horizons and travel the world, stopping only whenever the Elongated Man's prehensile proboscis twitches at the scent of a good mystery. However, Sue became a widow in 2043 when Elongated Man and most of his teammates were killed in the nuclear explosion, caused by the death of Captain Atom, that destroyed Coast City.

Note: There is also a super-villain, who fought the second Justice League in 2073, named Elongated Man.