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The Electro-Supermen
The Electro-Supermen

If you red DC's Superman comics during the 1997 and 1998 period, Superman would have looked liked he does in the pictures below. In fact, in early '98 there were two Supermen, one blue and one red. Later that same year, on Superman’s 60th birthday, he was returned to the Superman we all know and love.

Electro-Superman Blue
Adam Kent

After the Battle for All Time and destruction of the Comic Universe, Adam Kent and Eagle were saved from death by Timeshaper. It was also Timeshaper who destroyed the Comic Universe. Timeshaper placed Adam and Eagle in a Bubble Universe, created in place of the Comic Universe. While there the Bubble Universe Doomsday killed Kent as Superman but he returned as the more powerful Electro-Superman. The Kryptonian DNA in Kent’s body absorbed a lot more solar energy than normal to bring him back to life. The result was this blue-colored electric extension to his powers. Unlike DC’s Electro-Superman, Kent was still the same Krypto-human with the classic powers, suit and solid form. However, he could tap into a powerful energy inside himself and became an energy being with new powers. A year after his return from the dead, Kent and his new powers of Teleportation, Intangibility, Super-Vision and the Creation of Electromagnetic Fields, joined with Eagle to take on Timeshaper to get the Comic Universe back and take away Timeshaper’s powers. The two defeated Timeshaper, allowing Eagle to take Timeshaper’s powers and recreate the Comic Universe. When Adam Kent was sent back to his universe (Earth A), he still had the Electro-Superman powers. However two years later, Timeshaper’s defeat affected time badly causing Kent to transfer his extra power to Timeshaper. Fixing time Adam Kent was returned to his original power level. This transfer also created the being known as Flash Superman.

Electro-Superman Red
Jack Kent

Like his father before him, Jack Kent became the Electro-Superman when killed by Doomsday, this time it was the Earth A version. Jack had all the same powers as Electro-Superman/Adam Kent but with one different, Jack was red as the Electro-Superman. This change in color was not just generation but personality. Jack is far more of an anti-hero then his father and more willing to kill. Another different is that Jack has less power than his father, which let Jack expel it faster. He expelled all of the extra power that made him the Electro-Superman in finishing off Doomsday. Jack was also turned into Electro-Superman several other times after near-death experiences. Once during the AK/Angel Comics Crossover and again during an attack on his wedding by the villain Archangel of Earth-Angel. Like before, he expelled his power quickly in defeating his foes.