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Green Lantern/ John Stewart
Justice Leaguer

John Stewart was given a Power Ring by the Guardians that grants him near unlimited power, and assigned a sector to protect. John is the third Green Lantern of Sector 2814 from Earth. Originally, John was chosen by the Guardians of the Universe as a backup for Kyle Rayner. John once represented the disenfranchised, angry and misunderstood black youth. He was brash and headstrong and had an obvious disliking for authority. Kyle, of course, didn't trust him, but John quickly proved himself as a noble hero. In 2063, he was chosen to replace Kyle, who was killed during the Crisis of Infinite Earths, and John became Earth’s new Green Lantern.
Over the years the John has evolved from into a much more seasoned and levelheaded veteran from his time fighting in the Communist War. This makes him the stoic soldier of the League and it causes him to use his ring differently than Kyle, who's attitude and artist background let him create interesting light structures such as big huge robots and gigantic dinosaurs while John doesn't do much aside from shoot beams from his ring. Even Hal Jordan, who was killed by the destruction of Coast City, was creative enough to make big boxing gloves. Also, John’s eyes are green from the radiation that comes off of the ring. He became a founding member of the current Justice League after helping to fight the Omega Man.
* Born on October 17, 2021 in New York City, New York.
* Son of famed architect George Stewart, who designed the mile high AK Corp Metropolis Building, and his unnamed girlfriend, who George later killed.
* Married to Katma Tui, who was killed by Doc Holiday in 2064 in Metropolis on Adam Kelly Day (August 16). It also happened to be their wedding anniversary.
* John was chosen by the Guardians of the Universe as a backup for Kyle Rayner shortly after joining the Neo-US army, where he rose to the rank of Commander. He left in 2065 over the poor handling of the Communist War.
* During a time traveling trip to 1944, John saved the life of his great-grandfather. Of course saving his own life as well.
* John, a widower, has a on and off again relationship with Hawkgirl, who is a widow. Her husband, Hawkman, was killed by the Anti-Monitor during the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Age: 55
Height: 6'1"
Ethnicity: African-American
Build: medium-muscular
Weight: approx 210 lbs
Eye Color: green
Hair: short, black

*For spoilers, highlight the below text.*

In 2076, John was assimilated by a Psycho Slayer and joined with the Psycho Phantom Ranger in attacking Oa.

* The Green Lantern Corps are an intergalactic police force for the entire universe. The Green Lanterns are governed by The Guardians, a small diminutive race of blue aliens. Each Green Lantern is given a Power Ring that grants him near unlimited power, and assigned a sector to protect.
* Possess the most powerful weapon in the universe, a Green Lantern Power Ring. The ring can create light structures of anything John imagines. The ring must be recharged every 24 hours, and has a weakness against the color yellow.
* John is the fourth Green Lantern of Sector 2814 but is the third Green Lantern of that sector to be from Earth.
* The real first Green Lantern was the alien Abin Sur, who was killed by Sinestro in 2021 near Coast City. He gave his Power Ring to Hal Jordan. Upon Hal's death it was passed on to Kyle Rayner and upon his death to John.
* From 2065 to 2069, John was on Oa for help with personal and mental problems caused by the death of his wife and the fighting in the Communist War.
* While a Justice League member in 2071, he was framed for the destruction of the planet Delta Vega V in the Skrull Empire. He was brought to trial at the Skrull Homeworld, where the Justice League discovered he was framed by the Manhunters, the first creations of the Guardians.

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Green Lantern page last updated 04/10/05