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Organizations | The Original JLA
Justice League of America

Aquaman, Batman/Bruce Wayne, Black Canary, Barry Allen/The Flash and Hal Jordan/Green Lantern created the first Justice League of America in 2025 to help friend Adam Kent/Superman stop Darkseid from invading Earth. Its membership increased until most of its members were killed in 2043 by an nuclear explosion that occurred as a result of the death of Captain Atom. Also, Coast City, California was destroyed and most of the Avengers were killed in the same explosion.

Superman/Adam Kent
Adam Kelly
Batman/Bruce Wayne
The Flash/Barry Allen
Green Lantern/Hal Jordan
Black Canary
Green Arrow
Captain Atom
The Atom
Steel/John Henry Irons
Superwoman/Kara Kent
Bionic Man/Rob Moraine
Robin/Tim Drake
Batgirl/Barbara Gordon
Nightwing/Dick Grayson
Dr. Fate
Elongated Man
Red Tornado
Superboy/Jack Kent
Supergirl/Lauren Kent

Honorary Member(s):
Superman/Clark Kent