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Organizations | LOSH
Legion of Superheroes (LOSH)

The first Legion of Superheroes was set up in 2040 by Superboy/Jack Kent to be a teenager member only version of the first Justice League. Unlike the Legion of the thirtieth century, most of its members are Advanced Humans not Aliens but there are a few. Most of its members were killed in 2042 during the battle against the War Universe’s Emperor Kelly and his United States Imperial Army.

Superboy/Jack Kent
Supergirl/Lauren Kent
Robin/Tim Drake
Lighting Lad (not an alien but an Advanced Human with generate electicity with his mind)
Saturn Girl (not an alien but an Advanced Human with amazing telepathic powers)
Cosmic Boy (not an alien but an Advanced Human with the power to move metallic objects with his mind)
Brainiac 5 (Malfunctioning organic android built to replace Brainiac 4, who was destroyed by Superman 2. He is malfunctioning because he is not evil)
Chameleon Boy (not an alien but an Advanced Human with the power to make others believe he is not what he appears to be AKA mental shape-shifting)
Ultra Boy (Kree prince)
Invisible Kid (not an alien but an Advanced Human with the power to block out his image in other’s head, appearing as if he was invisible)
Ferro Lad (not an alien but an Advanced Human with the power to start fires with his mind)
Karate Kid (human master of a secret advanced form of sholin karate)
Dream Girl (not an alien but an Advanced Human, who has dreams and visions of the future)
Phantom Girl (not an alien but an Advanced Human with the ability to phase her molecules between other molecules via her mind)