J'onn J'onzz: the Martian Manhunter
Justice Leaguer

J’onn J’onzz, the Martian Manhunter is the last of his martian race as all others were killed by the Imperium during their battle with the League for control of Terran Solar System. J’onn is the telepathic communication center of the League, serving as a focal point so that all the leaguers can communicate with each other instantly. He isn’t as powerful as Superman or Wonder Woman, even though he has about the same powers as them. Instead, he often chooses to use his phasing and shape shifting abilities to surprise his foes. His martian up bring makes him almost devoid of emotions and is the most serious and levelheaded of all the Leaguers. He became a founding member of the current Justice League after helping to fight Omega Man.

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In 2076, J'onn mind-melded with Unagi Garenth, which overloaded J'onn's advanced brain, putting him in a coma.

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