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Earth A City | Metropolis
State of New York

Home of Superman and known as the City of Tomorrow by its residents truthfully, that's actually not too far from the literal truth. Located near in the state of New York near New York City and Gotham City on the New Jersey Coast. In 1675, as the Duke of York was taking New Amsterdam from Dutch, he sent British Admiral David L. Sullivan take New Troy from the Dutch, who founded Metropolis afterwards. Sullivan County, the county Metropolis is in, was also named after him. The Duke of York named the area New York, that today includes Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Later, he gave the area around Metropolis to his friend the Duke of Jersey a small coastal area south of New York City. The Duke of York kept the City of Metropolis for himself.

Metropolis is divided into six boroughs, and occupies three islands and areas along the coasts of the Hobbs' and West Rivers. On islands are the boroughs of New Troy, St. Martin's Island, and Hell's Gate. On the riverbank is Queensland Park along the West River to the south, and on Hob's River to the north are Park Ridge and Bakerline. New Troy, on the center island, is a center of business, like New York's Manhattan. It is home to the University of Metropolis and Centennial Park on the west side; and the Daily Planet, the LexCorp Towers, the Metropolis Trade Tower, the Newstime building and Galaxy Communications in the eastern business district. AK Corp Metropolis is located in the middle. New Troy also has a less prosperous neighborhood called Hobbs Bay, commonly known as Suicide Slums. However in 2012, Adam Kelly brought out most of the Suicide Slums and destroyed it to build AK Corp Metropolis and other buildings that would be part of his new empire. Metropolis' nickname is the 'Big Apricot'. Unfortunately, Metropolis was the site of many destructive battles and terrorist attacks. On September 11, 2001 Muslim Terrorist hijacked LexAir Flight 299 from Boston to LA and flew it into the Metropolis Trade Tower causing it to collapse. In 2042, Emperor Kelly and the United States Empire military forces destroyed the whole city. It was rebuild by Adam Kelly, Superman and Utopia as Utopian Metropolis or the City of Tomorrow. The city hosted the Olympic Summer Games in 2024, home to Utopia and the headquarters of the Justice League.