The New United States of America (Neo-US)

Nation-state on planet earth, founded in 2030 by Adam Kelly to replace the collapsing democratic United States. It was reestablished as a Dictatorship Democracy, where the President is an absolute dictator but is freely elected by the people. A congress exists where it's only job is to monitor the election. The new Supreme Court is chosen by the dictator every five years. The chief justice is the dictator. At the beginning, some freedoms were taken away. For example the religion of Islam was outlaw, the right to bear arms was taken away, freedom of speech and press were limited. The separation of church and state was written into law and church tax exceptions were removed forcing many to close and be replaced with death camps. The abortion debate was ended by Dictator Adam Kelly when he declared he was anti-life and made the killing of children forever legal. On the other hand, it was declared that any catholic person, priest or not, would be shot if accused of child rape, guilty or not. Other major reforms occurred and half the population of America was killed in the just the first year.

The killing finally ended in 2038 and Adam stepped down as Dictator in 2040. No major changes would occur for the next two and half decades. However, after twenty-five years, Dictator Justin Powell started the Communist War with CLAWW or the Communist League Against the Western World but was a poor military general and heavy losses occurred. He was defeated for re-election by Andrew Kelly and he ended the war within the next year. Soon after, all religions were outlawed in 2068, after the bloody religious war occurred. This was thanks to Neo-US Dictator Andrew Kelly killing the Pope for excommunicating his Catholic wife. However, this caused Andrew to lose his re-election bid. The Neo-US, as of 2076 (the year the JLA/Power Rangers crossover occurs), has had no major problems or changes occur.
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