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Shield Agent | Nick Fury
Nick Fury
Shield Commander

As the oldest of three children born to an American pilot who died in battle during the final year of World War I, grew up in the Hell's Kitchen neighborhood of New York City. At the start of American involvement in World War II, Fury enlisted in the Army. He underwent basic training at Fort Dix in New Jersey under the command of Sgt. Charles Bass, a stern taskmaster who singled him out as the company scapegoat. In short order, Fury proved himself to be an excellent soldier and capable leader, and rose quickly to the rank of sergeant. In the European Theater of operations, Fury led the Howling Commandos -- a band of soldiers made famous by their foolhardy exploits. The unit often fought alongside Captain America, a frail young man transformed by the government's Super-Soldier Serum into the United States' Sentinel of Liberty. Injured on a mission in France, Fury came under the emergency care of Professor Berthold Sternberg, who first inoculated him with the age-retarding Infinity Formula. Fury consumed the serum annually until his death. Fury remained on active duty through the Korean War, during which the Howlers reunited to surreptitiously cross the 38th parallel and destroy an enemy MIG base. This mission garnered Fury a battlefield commission and promotion to second lieutenant. Spying for the French government in Viet Nam during the 1950s, he achieved the rank of colonel and eventually earned a full-time appointment to the CIA. After several years with the CIA, Fury was recruited as director of the newly organized international-espionage organization Shield, a worldwide intelligence and peacekeeping directorate dedicated to protecting the planet from any and all security threats. As Shield's highest-ranking agent, Fury supervised daily administrative affairs and served as supreme field commander. His leadership saw Shield through countless crises, and was instrumental in thwarting major threats to world freedom. He led Shield thought the First AK Corp-American War and Empire War. He also helped defeat Section 51 and join Shield with AK Corp into the Starfleet of the Adam Kelly Corporation. The evil Captain America 2 killed him in the battle for Super-Soldier Serum in 2046.