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Super-Villains | The Omega Man
The Omega Man

Korne Kent didn’t like being second best compared to his brother, the 30th century Superman, Zorne Kent. Krone and Zorne were twins, born from the 29th century Superman, Zhane Kent, and his wife, the Daxamite Laurel Gand AKA Andromeda. Even, Korne’s sister, Karone AKA Sister Andromeda, and her husband, the 21st century hero Lar Gand AKA Mon-el, were even better than him. While his sister and brother gained amazing new powers from generations of Kent’s having children with aliens, who had super-human powers, Korne only got three weaker than normal powers. He got not super-strength but “sub-par kryptonian” or “enhanced” strength, not invulnerability but “thick skin” and flight but not the super-speed needed to make flying affective over long distances. Krone grew jealous and then angry at his lack of powers and his powerful family.

The only person to know of Krone’s true feelings was Andros Kelly, the 30th century relative of Adam Kelly. Andros had telepathic powers and sensed Krone’s jealousy and angry. Unable to help Krone with his problems, Andros sent Krone off Earth in his own starship to “find his place in the universe.” However in space, Krone went mad and decided to become more powerful than his entire family. To do so he searched the universe for objects of great power, like the Cosmic Cube and the Infinity Gauntlet.

To get the Infinity Gauntlet, Krone had to fight Darkseid for it. The Heroes of 21st century Earth, discovered Darkseid was too powerful to use the Infinity Gauntlet and gave it to him to ensure he would not give it to another, for that person could easily destroy Darkseid. For Krone to be a match for Darkseid, he had to build himself a Cosmic Cube. Krone defeated Darkseid, used the Cube to take Darkseid’s power and got the Infinity Gauntlet but was now to powerful to use it. So, Krone used the Cosmic Cube to force the Infinity Gauntlet to work for him.

With his new power, Krone returned to Earth, started to call himself the Omega Man and attacked his brother Zorne. That brought the 30th century Legion of Superheroes and the rest of Krone’s family to attack him. During the battle the Cosmic Cube needed to recharge which deactivated the Infinity Gauntlet. To escape defeat, Krone traveled to 2070, which he believe had few heroes to attack him. Once in 2070, he started to attack Metropolis and Jack Kent/Superman. This attack brought the remaining heroes of 2070 Earth, Batman/Terry McGinnis, Andrew Kelly and Wally West the Flash. They did not do so well against the Omega Man and were forced to retreat. At that same time, Green Lantern/John Stewart and Hawkgirl returned from space, and the Amazonian Wonder Woman and the telepathic Martian J’onn J’onzz became aware of the Omega Man’s existence. The eight heroes joined together, formed a new Justice League and attacked the Omega Man when the Cosmic Cube and Infinity Gauntlet stopped working. Shortly after Zorne Kent and Mon-el came back from the 30th century and helped the Justice League finish off Omega Man. However, he escaped through time before his brother could give him the final death blow. Since then the Omega Man has not returned.