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Super-Villains | Section 51
Section 51

Highly secret U.S. and for a time Neo-US government organization created by George Washington while he was president. Section 51 would later be hid under the CIA. Established under the U.S. constitution, it was responsible for searching out and identifying extraordinary dangers to America. It was also responsible for dealing with such threats and did so quietly, often employing extralegal techniques. In fact, they responsible for the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the death of Marilyn Monroe. Also, they let September 11 occur as well as the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and others to occur to manipulate American in its best interest. They also covered up Roswell and Area 51, which was their headquarters. They were believed dismantled by Adam Kelly and Adam kent/Superman in 2045. However, Section 51 returned in an attmept to kill Justice Leaguer and CIA Agent Mr. Newman.